teocomi / BCFier

Extensible BCF client and tools
GNU General Public License v3.0
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support for 3D view, and objects in standalone viewer #35

Open berndhahnebach opened 7 years ago

berndhahnebach commented 7 years ago


you explicit say on your web BCFier standalone does not support 3D view. This is a pitty. I would like to edit some BCF, but than the 3D-view and the objekts in the BCF are lost on resave.

cheers bernd

I really like this App, it is great to control what's in the BCF you exchange. It's a unix style of working, one process one simple app. :-)

berndhahnebach commented 7 years ago

I have been working with BCFier for more time now. I realized by clicking on the right to corner of the view there is a button to print the objects.

I tried adding more views and saving the BCF and reloading it. The objects from the first view are still there means on the contrary to the website the standalone BCFier has support for the 3D view and objects.

BTW: if I click on a picture which was added by BCFier (it has no objects) I get a NullReferenceException. attached the screen.


teocomi commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your feedback, BCF files do not contain any information on the geometry, that's why BCFier is not able to support 3D views. This could be achieved passing models files, ie IFC, along with the BCF, but it kinda defeats the use of such a lightweight format...

berndhahnebach commented 7 years ago

We missunderstood.

I know the difference betweed a ifc model viewer ( ifc++ for Linux as an example https://github.com/berndhahnebach/IfcPlusPlus) and an BCF viewer.

BCF files contain the viewpoint and object GUID of the objects which belong to the BCF.

Since on your homepage is written BDFier stand alone viewer does not support model view I assumed StandAllone BCFier does delete the view point if an BCF is changed and saved. But after a few tests I realized it does not delete the view point.

Thats great

berndhahnebach commented 7 years ago

Still there is an problem. If you add an image to a issue. This immage has no view point, It can not, because BCFier can not set a view point because it is not a model viewer. But since ther is no view point BCFier creates an exception. This should be catched in my point of view? See screen before. Should I open another issue to be clear or should we leave it here.
