teodesian / Selenium-Remote-Driver

Perl Bindings to the Selenium Webdriver server
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How can I pass capabilities to Selenium::Edge? #464

Open nck974 opened 3 years ago

nck974 commented 3 years ago

Hello, thx for the implementation of #463 so quickly. Now I'm trying with the new veersion, but I'm not able to see how to forward settings to my edge driver. I have tried something as follows:

my $settings_ref = {
        binary =>'msedgedriver.exe',
        extra_capabilities =>
            {'ms:edgeOptions' => {
                            'debuggerAddress' => 'localhost:50923'

Similar to what I do in chrome, but id does not seem to work, as dumping what get_capabilities returns states:

          'ms:edgeOptions' => {
                                'debuggerAddress' => 'localhost:51551'

This is what I'm trying to migrate to edge from chrome, but I'm not able to get it started:

    if (defined($args_ref->{'downloads_folder'})){
        $settings{'extra_capabilities'}{'goog:chromeOptions'}{'prefs'}{'download.default_directory'} = $args_ref->{'downloads_folder'};
        $settings{'extra_capabilities'}{'goog:chromeOptions'}{'prefs'}{'download.prompt_for_download'} = 'false';
        $settings{'extra_capabilities'}{'goog:chromeOptions'}{'prefs'}{'profile'}{'default_content_setting_values'}{'automatic_downloads'} = 1;
teodesian commented 3 years ago

Gave it a spin, and am encountering similar difficulties.


Seems to suggest valid keys for the 'prefs' object is described in a config file "in the user data folder for microsoft edge". Unfortunately I couldn't find anything of the sort for edge in %APPDATA% or %LOCALAPPDATA%, so I'm not real sure if there are differences versus chrome.

It could also just be their driver doesn't return that as part of the capabilities, though I regard that as unlikely.

nck974 commented 3 years ago

Is it possible that some line like this one is needed in the driver.pm ?:

    #Fix broken out of the box chrome because they hate the maintainers of their interfaces
    if ( $self->isa('Selenium::Chrome') ) {
        if ( exists $args->{desiredCapabilities} ) {
            $args->{desiredCapabilities}{'goog:chromeOptions'}{args} //= [];
            push(@{$args->{desiredCapabilities}{'goog:chromeOptions'}{args}}, qw{no-sandbox disable-dev-shm-usage});

in https://github.com/teodesian/Selenium-Remote-Driver/blob/master/lib/Selenium/Remote/Driver.pm#L1057

teodesian commented 3 years ago

possibly. Looking at that block I should also probably filter args[] thru List::Util::uniq.