Open teorth opened 1 month ago
I disclaimed the issue, but below is my partial progress. If the code below is helpful, please feel free to use it.
In Equations.lean:
equation 26302 := x = (y ◇ ((z ◇ x) ◇ w)) ◇ (x ◇ w)
In CentralGroupoids.lean:
import equational_theories.Equations
class NaturalCentralGroupoid (S : Type _) where
op : (S × S) → (S × S) → (S × S)
op_eq : ∀ (x1 x2 y1 y2 : S), op (x1, x2) (y1, y2) = (x2, y1)
instance {S : Type*} [NaturalCentralGroupoid S] : Magma (S × S) where
op := NaturalCentralGroupoid.op
lemma NaturalCentralGroupoid_as_Magma {S : Type*} [NaturalCentralGroupoid S] (x1 x2 y1 y2 : S) : (x1, x2) ◇ (y1, y2) = (x2, y1) := by
exact NaturalCentralGroupoid.op_eq x1 x2 y1 y2
theorem NaturalCentralGroupoid_implies_Equation26302 (S : Type*) [NaturalCentralGroupoid S] : Equation26302 (S × S) := by
intro x y z w
let (x1, x2) := x
let (y1, y2) := y
let (z1, z2) := z
let (w1, w2) := w
(x1, x2)
_= (y2, x1) ◇ (x2,w1) := by rw [← NaturalCentralGroupoid_as_Magma y2 x1 x2 w1]
_= ((y1, y2) ◇ (x1, w1)) ◇ (x2,w1) := by rw [← NaturalCentralGroupoid_as_Magma y1 y2 x1 w1]
_= ((y1, y2) ◇ ((z2,x1) ◇ (w1, w2))) ◇ (x2,w1) := by rw [← NaturalCentralGroupoid_as_Magma z2 x1 w1 w2]
_= ((y1, y2) ◇ (((z1, z2) ◇ (x1, x2)) ◇ (w1, w2))) ◇ (x2,w1) := by rw [← NaturalCentralGroupoid_as_Magma z1 z2 x1 x2]
_= ((y1, y2) ◇ (((z1, z2) ◇ (x1, x2)) ◇ (w1, w2))) ◇ ((x1, x2) ◇ (w1, w2)) := by rw [← NaturalCentralGroupoid_as_Magma x1 x2 w1 w2]
propose #492
This result of Knuth shows that a certain five-operation law (Equation 26302) is equivalent to being a natural central groupoid. The proof is quite lengthy; a sketch is at , but one should review the original paper of Knuth (Theorem 5) at for the full details. But perhaps there is also a more efficient proof.
This would most naturally go into
. When done, mark the theorem and proof of Theorem 5.9 with\leanok
's and an appropriate\lean{}