teozfrank / DuelMe

DuelMe is a bukkit plugin to allow players to duel each other for fun
MIT License
9 stars 14 forks source link

I can't add/remove rewards for winner and Starting Items #85

Closed MamaTata2004 closed 7 years ago

MamaTata2004 commented 7 years ago

do not touch the config version below, it will break the plugin!

configversion: 1.7 duelme: checkforupdates: true mysql: enabled: false host: 'localhost' port: '3306' database: 'duelmestats' user: 'user' pass: 'pass' duel: countdowntime: 10 dueltime: 120 seperateinventories: true rightclicktoduel: false dropitemsondeath: false guimenuenabled: true surroundmaterial: BARRIER announce: duelstart: true deaths: true leavejoin: true commands: duelstart:

      - 'give %player% 388 32'
      - 'give %player% 264 32
      - 'eco give %player% 500'
      - 'spawn %player%'
   enabled: false

I put that on my config I restarted serven

And when i started a duel withsomeone I recived leader armor and wooden sword And winner recived iron sword

How to to to give me nothing at start And winner to get diamonds emeralds money and to go to spawn

teozfrank commented 7 years ago

for duelstart change it to:

duelstart: []
- 'give %player% 388 32'
- 'give %player% 264 32
- 'eco give %player% 500'
- 'spawn %player%'

and so on...

teozfrank commented 7 years ago

Any update?

If I dont get a response I will have to close this.

teozfrank commented 7 years ago

Closed as no response made, please re-create this issue if it persists thanks.