tepi / FilteringTable

An add-on for Vaadin. Extends the Vaadin Table component to provide optional filtering components below the table header.
Apache License 2.0
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Chrome 56, table rows jump when using LazyQueryContainer - position:sticky related? #121

Open flamingdumpster opened 7 years ago

flamingdumpster commented 7 years ago

We noticed that after Google Chrome updated itself from 55 to 56, we are now seeing the selected row jump to the top of the viewable set. This starts to happen only after the container has had to query new data, after going beyond the initial set that is loaded.

When a row is selected in the middle of the table, it will immediately get re-positioned to the top of the table, each and every time.

This strange behavior did not happen in Chrome 55 or prior but does in 56 and later (tried it on a Canary release also.) Thinking it might be related to the added support of CSS position:sticky in 56 as detailed here:


Obviously related to a change in Chrome 56, but it is affecting the behavior of the FilteringTable.