teqneers / Greyface

Greyface is an open source AJAX based web interface to SQLGrey, a greylisting policy daemon for the Postfix MTA. View and manipulate live greylisting data through an easy-to-use interface or submit new greylisting data.
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[Feature Request] Button in Greylist to blacklist email #74

Closed piwats closed 10 years ago

piwats commented 10 years ago


I noticed, that in the automatic greylist view, there is a button for "move to whitelist".

It would be nice to have also a button for "move to blacklist".


svencc commented 10 years ago

I need to discuss this with my colleague, I think there was a reason why we didn´t do this yet.


piwats commented 10 years ago

It would be nice to have this because of:

there are spam mailers that are rfc compliant. this means, that spamassassin has to be trained. This kind of spammers is rare yet it is there. Spamassassin & amavisd are in comparison to greylisting too expensive, as it costs much more resources to check the spam email. Even if one is using Heinleins' spamassassin signatures.

So, not always but from time to time it is very useful to be able to move via a nice gui as greyface it is such an email-address to a permanent blacklist.

There are many ways to do this kind of things, but greyface offers a very intuitive and nice designed gui. So it would be really really good to be able to move a spammers' address via a simple click on a block icon/button so it is blacklisted until further reassessment.


svencc commented 10 years ago

I see there is a reasonable use case for that.

But I still need to discuss it with my colleague next week (when he returns from holiday) because I think we talked about some technical challenges to do that.

If there is a way to do it (and I guess we find one), I will implement it!


svencc commented 10 years ago

Ok, we discussed this Topic. In the past we also thought about that, but we dropped this idea due to the following reason.

Normally spam mails are only for a short time period in the greylist and we believe that nobodie sits in front of the application the hole day and sets mails/Sender/Domains/sources to the blacklist. Thats just the glue of greylisting. You don´t Need to do that to get rid of your spam. Spam will be automatically pushed to the greylist, and will never get into your "ham" mails.

What do you think about that?

piwats commented 10 years ago

This is reasonable to me :)