terascope / teraslice

Scalable data processing pipelines in JavaScript
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Track random test failures #3589

Open busma13 opened 3 months ago

busma13 commented 3 months ago

This is a place to link to all random, infrequent test failures. Hopefully we can better understand the problem/s if we can see them all.

4/5/2024 https://github.com/terascope/teraslice/actions/runs/8576554950/job/23507712338?pr=3584 error: error Command failed with exit code 1. failed command: yarn $YARN_SETUP_ARGS && yarn run build --force

4/5/2024 https://github.com/terascope/teraslice/actions/runs/8576554950/job/23507715100?pr=3584 error: fatal TSError: Error: Command failed with exit code 125 failed command: docker run --rm --publish 49206:49206 --env ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m --env network.host= --env http.port=49206 --env discovery.type=single-node --env DISABLE_INSTALL_DEMO_CONFIG=true --env DISABLE_SECURITY_PLUGIN=true --name ts_test_opensearch opensearchproject/opensearch:1.3.10

4/10/2024 https://github.com/terascope/teraslice/actions/runs/8633938651/job/23668193654?pr=3584 error: TSError: Port 37000 is already in-use at pRetry (packages/utils/src/promises.ts:172:21) at Server.listen (packages/teraslice-messaging/src/messenger/server.ts:97:9) at Server.start (packages/teraslice-messaging/src/execution-controller/server.ts:53:9) at ExecutionController.initialize (packages/teraslice/src/lib/workers/execution-controller/index.ts:169:9)

https://github.com/terascope/teraslice/actions/runs/8633938651/job/23668183380?pr=3584 HTTPError: Response code 403 (rate limit exceeded) at Request.<anonymous> (/home/runner/work/teraslice/teraslice/node_modules/got/dist/source/as-promise/index.js:118:42) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

sotojn commented 1 month ago

To track down the Port is already in-use issue should we do a PR that lists all the running ports when this error occurs to get a better idea on whats going on in CI?

godber commented 2 weeks ago

The Port is already in-use issue could be a previous shutdown container port being in TIME_WAIT (2 min timeout).