terascope / teraslice

Scalable data processing pipelines in JavaScript
Apache License 2.0
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Reimplement teraslice-exporter using new foundation promMetrics api #3600

Closed godber closed 2 months ago

godber commented 2 months ago

When this (https://github.com/terascope/teraslice/pull/3594/files) is merged, we should move the external teraslice-exporter project (found here: https://github.com/terascope/teraslice-exporter) into the core of the Teraslice master and adapt it to use the promMetrics API. It should expose the same set of metrics but no longer gather it's information by querying the Teraslice api.

godber commented 2 months ago

@busma13 can close this when he's validated internally.

godber commented 2 months ago

We want to try the following tests in a test environment:

Other things may be required in the job, but in order to target the job with prometheus, at the moment, we need to label the job manually like this on the job definition:

    "labels": {
        "scrape-target": "true",
        "scrape-prometheus-instance": "my-prom"