terascope / teraslice

Scalable data processing pipelines in JavaScript
Apache License 2.0
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e2e asset problems #3653

Open jsnoble opened 3 weeks ago

jsnoble commented 3 weeks ago

In the e2e fixtures are zip files of assets. These are old legacy assets to do not work with the latest changes to teraslice. In the code most of it was to test the asset structure and loading of operations which is not really where this test should live. It should live in job-components.

We decided (me, Austin, Peter, Joseph) to bypass those tests that reference those assets for now. We need to later review which tests should live in e2e vs job-components (assuming we don't have those types of tests in job-components) and re-enable tests that are still useful to in e2e.

busma13 commented 3 weeks ago

There were 10 tests disabled across 2 spec files.

Feedback on these potential changes would be appreciated.

godber commented 3 weeks ago

For the simple-spec.ts case:

busma13 commented 3 weeks ago

Non-bundled assets can be successfully uploaded to teraslice. But when you try to register a job that uses the asset you will get the same module_not_found error that makes the tests fail currently.

godber commented 3 weeks ago

Side note: I think @busma13 and I just realized that the reason existing assets work with the new esm build of teraslice (2.0.0) is because esbuild bundles both CJS and ESM style in the generated index.js.