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Ideate how the program should work #32

Open teresaleelim opened 5 months ago

teresaleelim commented 5 months ago

Start to brainstorm how the program should work; think about what tables it should use, the UI, workflow, etc.

teresaleelim commented 5 months ago


teresaleelim commented 5 months ago

I am currently creating a Figma prototype of the program to have an idea of the tables I should create and if the program would be functional in practice.

Here is the link to the Figma prototype: https://www.figma.com/file/WPKjUiXHpBpi7IjX9fVEVh/Sewing-Factory%3A-Accessories-prototype?type=design&mode=design&t=CZrozOn1381cKxrf-1

teresaleelim commented 5 months ago

Advanced on the program's prototype and today had a more clear idea of the program. Below is an initial sketch of the program (alongside some notes on the concepts on how the columns should be organized):


Based on this sketch, I modified the prototype I was making. Linked below is the prototype:


teresaleelim commented 4 months ago

Today I created a sample page in Figma for the accessory envios (entry). I will create the accessory envios (from cutting team/egresos), and a page with orders (where the user should select the file no.), and inspection (i think that will go with the egresos table).

Attached below is the the sample table that was created:


teresaleelim commented 4 months ago

After thinking and discussing about how to design both the fabric and the accessory part should look like in relation to the orders, I have decided to create a separate table that would be very similar to the Order Summary where the user would select the File No. and this will display the related accessory amounts based on the Sewing Worksheet. Here is a sketch of how I will make the prototype for tomorrow:


teresaleelim commented 4 months ago

Today I created a small prototype where one can simulate entering an envio order and entering the information in an accessory worksheet. Here is what it looks like:


I am still missing the part where the user can enter the production envio slip information that would record the (egresos) of the materials and this would also be tied with the Quality Check report. After finishing those two prototypes I should be able to move on to table creation.

teresaleelim commented 4 months ago

Today I created the Egress page. I still need to implement the inspection feature into the Egress page. The gif below shows a sample of the (almost completed) prototype:


teresaleelim commented 4 months ago

The prototype has been completed, thus marking the end of the program ideation.

Below is the link of completed prototype:


teresaleelim commented 4 months ago

I had to re-conceptualize the way the program would have to work because I ran into some problems while creating the tables for the DB.

This time, instead of creating a separate table for each page, it would be a single table with all of the movement attributes attached to it, therefore, so far I came up with the following entities to make tables out of:

  1. MaterialType
  2. AccessoryInventory (the table that will hold all the movement and information for every accessory)

I am still not sure if this is more efficient, but it is easier for me to conceptualize DB tables using this way.

teresaleelim commented 4 months ago

Today we got some feedback on how the program should be working and we need to reconceptualize some parts of the program while keeping some of the things that have been described in notes.

Please refer back to the INITIAL PAGES DESIGN section of the Sewing Fact. Notes Notebook linked below for further detail.


In the coming days I will reconceptualize the program and apply the feedback that I was given today.

teresaleelim commented 4 months ago

Today I finished the sketches for the inbound/outbound and current invetory tables based on the pivot table component from syncfusion.

Reference the notes for further details found on the notes linked below: https://intsociedad-my.sharepoint.com/:o:/g/personal/teresa_lee_intsa_net/EqOCgGaAsB1BhcG1fRIrzgQBhWi4HCXkHoKfUwpoYFdVZg?e=Bp50zm

teresaleelim commented 4 months ago

I have created the prototype based on the sketch below:


Additionally, I started creating an ERD in order to test out a syncfusion component in which I am basing the design on. I will finish the tables and test the component locally tomorrow.

teresaleelim commented 4 months ago

I am currently going back to understanding how the Orders (both summary and details) work together with the accessories and I am brainstorming how I should connect them.

From what I can gather, the amounts will be predetermined by the orders and the Accessories team in the factories would just add the accessories depending on the trim card.

The way I am thinking about making the program to record accessories is by creating the following tables:

teresaleelim commented 3 months ago

I have finished ideating the AccessoryNeed and MaterialType tables, and how these will connect to the OrderDetails table (mostly the AccNeeds table). While I am still not sure how it will work in practice, today I will begin by creating these 2 tables and start implementing them.

Below is a sketch of the program ideation:
