teresaleelim / intprojectmanagement

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Investigate about the differences in the accessory managing process for the different factories #37

Closed teresaleelim closed 5 months ago

teresaleelim commented 5 months ago

Investigate and compare the differences between the accessory managing processes that the factories 1,2 and 3

teresaleelim commented 5 months ago

Today I started to outline the questions and investigation for when we visit factories 2 and 3 based on our research on factory 1.

Here are the notes for that: https://intsociedad-my.sharepoint.com/:o:/g/personal/teresa_lee_intsa_net/EqOCgGaAsB1BhcG1fRIrzgQBhWi4HCXkHoKfUwpoYFdVZg?e=lHUdrY

teresaleelim commented 5 months ago

So far, both factories 1 and 3 record accessories similarly, the only relevant differences being the way the "accessories group" are organized and that factory 3 records the boxes imports in the accessories section, and factory 1 does not.

For further detail and notes, please refer to the notes taken in the STAGE 2 section of the Research notebook linked below: https://intsociedad-my.sharepoint.com/:o:/g/personal/teresa_lee_intsa_net/EqOCgGaAsB1BhcG1fRIrzgQBhWi4HCXkHoKfUwpoYFdVZg?e=EptUv9

teresaleelim commented 5 months ago

Today concludes the visits to the factories. The relevant notes are linked below:
