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Production - Bioral #52

Closed AngelMa2274 closed 3 months ago

AngelMa2274 commented 4 months ago

Started Bioral, here PnA have the control of production area. For now this is the design of the tables that will be use for this.


AngelMa2274 commented 3 months ago


Created some Store Procedures that i will use in the future: image

Created DTOs and some services.

Had to delete and create again some tables due to mistakes at the moment of creation

AngelMa2274 commented 3 months ago


Proyect finished. It has some issues, most of them are QOL issues,

The project has 3 main pages

BioralGeneral shows a summary of days and what has been worked in the day. It also has the option to go to BioralDetails and Bioral QualityControl and the QualityControl report of a specific day.


BioralDetails has the information about the Bioral, here you can add what has been worked in a specific day and the state of each machine in each hour


And finally, Bioral QualityControl shows specific information about what has been done in each machine in the day.



in Bioral QualityControl we also can see the Daily Production Report of the day


AngelMa2274 commented 3 months ago


Finished for now, is has issues, as i said in the previous comment, but those will be solved after finishing labels' system.