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Labels and shipping system #58

Open AngelMa2274 opened 3 months ago

AngelMa2274 commented 3 months ago


System that will manage the information about each shipping. This system will also have the posibility of printing labels for each bag that will be sent.

AngelMa2274 commented 3 months ago


A new page will be made, thie will be a remake of the current page ### /Fact/orders/output/{idorder:int}

In this new page new requested information will be shown and things that are not in use will be removed, such as document insert in the table. Also, information input will be change, instead of put information directly in the table information will be inserted individually per bag.

Its functionality will be the following: After select an order in /Fact/OrdersManagement/ and click "Output New" button a new window will be opened similar to the current one. Its interface will be the following:


The header will contain:

Then, above the header, will be a DataGrid that will contain all dispatches made for the current order. This grid will have the following information:

in the DataGrids toolbar will be 5 options:


The button will open the dialog "Add new bag" were the infomation of a bag will be added, said info will be: Destination factory Part that is sent Quality Printing Technique Quantities per size in a bag


In this dialog will be a button that allow us to add a new bag and reset the dialag, the only info that will be constant throught the addition of bag will be: Destination, Part, Quality and Technique. If the user want to edit this info have to cancel the process and star over. There also will be a confirm button that will open a the dialog "Bags summary" that have a DataGrid showing all the bags added. After confirm the information is correct then the user can click the confirm button and the information will be added to the data base and show in the DataGrid in the Output page



Will open the dialog "Bag Summary" to view all bag related to the selected dispatch, if the dispatch has not been sent then this dialog will allow us to add and edit bags.


It will delete an entire row and all the bags related to the deleted row. This action is not reversible.


Will generate a report of the selected dispatch, this report will have a QR so the destination factory can scan it and confirm of recivied.


Will print all the labels for the bags related to the selected row.

AngelMa2274 commented 3 months ago


Preliminary database model, i will see in the next days if something needs change before implement the tables into the db.
