teresaleelim / intprojectmanagement

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1. Website Preliminary Design #63

Closed teresaleelim closed 1 month ago

teresaleelim commented 1 month ago

*NOTE: This project was started in the date Apr 16th 2023. This is just to keep a record of the work. The file creation dates should line up with the dates specified, however the GitHub records will not, as it is mostly a recounting/record keeping.

The first thing I did was to look into the existing website and seeing what to change/add. I was tasked with creating a functioning contact page.

Below are the basic notes on the existing website and basic look through:


teresaleelim commented 1 month ago

Next, I designed a basic ideation of how the contact page should work (from a client-side and what the admin. would see whenever a contact form is filled).

Client side: image

Admin side: date__Nov_13_2023-58

teresaleelim commented 1 month ago

After that I made an overall structure of how the webpage should be organized (in terms of categories, sub-menus, and whatever the company wanted to show)

*NOTE: A LOT of this information was ASSUMED and taken from the existing webpage, as I was not provided a main goal for this website apart from having a functioning contact page. Because of that, I have taken many personal liberties to design the structure.


teresaleelim commented 1 month ago

For the final step in the website ideation, I needed to pick a template. I browsed through the ThemeForest website and chose 3 options linked below:




In the end the second option was picked, and so, I started planning the actual website development.

teresaleelim commented 1 month ago

Linked below is the OneNote notebook that was used for this project. Recorded in this notebook will be the overall notes relating to the making of the website, such as: progress/general notes, things to fix, brainstorming, tutorials referenced (more specifically the researcg for when I needed to connect the HTML page to the SQL Server using PHP)

NOTEBOOK: https://intsociedad-my.sharepoint.com/:o:/g/personal/teresa_lee_intsa_net/EnQP7hof8MtIqtyUzC8ozs0BGsO5CKR7rKqX35-svGSV5g?e=UbtUbc

*NOTE: To access this notebook, the password is the same password used for admin., user database (the one used for faceID/fingerprint access)