LLUVMerger is now at v2.0.4 with additional options to consider.
Add additional items to qccodar configuration file and modify run_LLUVMerger() to use these or use default values if not in config
Add source grid option to LLUVMerger and ... might need to test this option first to see if it really puts merged vectors where source locations are. Then don't know how it affects the use of -angres -angalign -angmethod
-reference= -- Optional lluv or grid file to use for output
origin and reference location vectors to merge. If
not specified first source is output origin and
sources are used for merge locations.
Might be worth adding these options that can be configurable
-angres= -- Merge all points within this angular resolution
from origin. But what if there was a -reference grid?? Does this apply?
-angalign= -- -- Alignment for angular resolution. Radial/
Elliptical alignment typically is antenna bearing
modulo of angular resolution.
--angmethod= -- Method when using angres: all/short. all=merges
all velocities. short=first average merge source to
angres then merge result. Default is short
LLUVMerger is now at v2.0.4 with additional options to consider. Add additional items to qccodar configuration file and modify run_LLUVMerger() to use these or use default values if not in config
Add source grid option to LLUVMerger and ... might need to test this option first to see if it really puts merged vectors where source locations are. Then don't know how it affects the use of -angres -angalign -angmethod
-reference= -- Optional lluv or grid file to use for output
origin and reference location vectors to merge. If
not specified first source is output origin and
sources are used for merge locations.
Might be worth adding these options that can be configurable
-method= -- Merge method, average/median/minimum/maximum/
overlay/underlay/smallest/largest. (Default Average)
-angres= -- Merge all points within this angular resolution
from origin. But what if there was a -reference grid?? Does this apply?
-angalign= -- -- Alignment for angular resolution. Radial/
Elliptical alignment typically is antenna bearing
modulo of angular resolution.
--angmethod= -- Method when using angres: all/short. all=merges
all velocities. short=first average merge source to
angres then merge result. Default is short