terhechte / Ebou

A cross platform Mastodon Client written in Rust
GNU General Public License v3.0
542 stars 33 forks source link

Linux build dependencies #21

Closed DocKDE closed 5 months ago

DocKDE commented 1 year ago

Just a comment on the build dependencies. I used a docker container to build the app on Ubuntu successfully but I noticed that gcc is missing from the listed dependencies to install. For a full install of Ubuntu/Debian this won't matter as it will be available by default but in a container it isn't.

Furthermore, current Fedora doesn't have a xdotool-devel package. I tried compiling without it but the build failed (not sure if for this reason, though). Side note: gcc is also needed as a dependency here, although the build ultimately failed.

terhechte commented 1 year ago

Thanks! Could you share your container config, then I can add it to the repo for others to use.

For Fedora I'd hope that whoever gets it to run opens a PR with the right incantations to get it to work :)

itsjunetime commented 6 months ago

I got this to run on fedora - libxdo-devel should be available via the system repo, and installing that got it all to build for me. I'll try to file a PR for this soon, including all the packages I had to install.