terikon / cordova-plugin-photo-library

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MIT License
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iOS build fails with Monaca. Cannot compile the file. #149

Open sanchansg opened 5 years ago

sanchansg commented 5 years ago

The build doesn't fail with Andorid, but fails with iOS. The swift seems like giving error. Any work around?

The following build commands failed:
    CompileSwift normal arm64 /tmp/monaca/5b9246b1e78885ab2ef4dc98/project/platforms/ios/VoiStamp/Plugins/cordova-plugin-photo-library/PhotoLibrary.swift
    CompileSwift normal arm64 /tmp/monaca/5b9246b1e78885ab2ef4dc98/project/platforms/ios/VoiStamp/Plugins/cordova-plugin-photo-library/PhotoLibraryProtocol.swift
    CompileSwiftSources normal arm64 com.apple.xcode.tools.swift.compiler
(3 failures)
jayordway commented 5 years ago

@sanchansg I had the same problem. I set the swift version to 3 in the build settings and used version 2.2.0 of the plugin, there may be some updating needed of the deprecated functions such as "resize()"