terikon / cordova-plugin-photo-library

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How to Display getThumbnail blob in html - IONIC #167

Open Shtibel opened 5 years ago

Shtibel commented 5 years ago

Trying to show Thumbnail in IONIC here is my code:

  this.library = [];

    includeAlbumData: true,
    quality: 1.0,
    thumbnailWidth: 100,
    thumbnailHeight: 100,
    itemsInChunk: 100,
    chunkTimeSec: 0.5,
    useOriginalFileNames: false,
    includeVideos: false,
    maxItems: 200
    next: (chunk) => {
      this.library = this.library.concat(chunk);
      this.library.forEach(image => {

        this.photoLibrary.getThumbnail(image, {
          quality: 0.5,
          thumbnailHeight: 100,
          thumbnailWidth: 100,
          let dataURI;
          let reader = new FileReader();
          reader.onload = ()=>{
            dataURI = reader.result;
            var base64 = dataURI.replace(/^data:image\/(png|jpg);base64,/, "");
          let data = reader.readAsDataURL(blob);

          console.log('data: ', data);
            //url: this.getImgContent(image.thumbnailURL)
            url: data

    error: err => { console.log('could not get photos'); },
    complete: () => { 
      console.log('done getting photos: ', this.albumImages); }


<img *ngFor="let image of albumImages" [src]="image.url">

But I get: data: undefined

What am I doing wrong ?