termi / es6-transpiler

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Add modules support via square/es6-module-transpiler #10

Open termi opened 10 years ago

termi commented 10 years ago


chemerisuk commented 10 years ago

I use karma for testing and today faced with the problem related to es6-module-transpiler: https://github.com/karma-runner/grunt-karma/issues/73.

Therefore adding modules support via it is not safe.

termi commented 10 years ago

@chemerisuk Thx for the report. As I can see the problem is in stale version of es6ify altogether with stale version of node-traceur. I am working on es6-module-transpiler branch which is builded using es6-transpiler. Also I need more changes in es6-module-transpiler logic before it can be used here.

chemerisuk commented 10 years ago

I recently touched https://github.com/esnext/es6-module-transpiler that generates a great output using the BundleFormatter option. If you are still looking for an appropriate implementation for your project I'd suggest to look at it at least.

Currently I'm switching to it in pair with your library.