termi / es6-transpiler

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Add --options parameter #50

Open kobezzza opened 10 years ago

kobezzza commented 10 years ago

es6-transpiler ./myFile.es6 --options '{disallowUnknownReferences: false}' > ./myFile.js


es6-transpiler ./myFile.es6 --options ./options.js > ./myFile.js
raiden-dev commented 10 years ago

Better to follow the POSIX guidelines for command line arguments using some kind of getopt implementation.

kobezzza commented 10 years ago

It does not matter, i'll be glad to any implementation.

https://github.com/visionmedia/commander.js - good module.

termi commented 10 years ago

I do not mind of the implementing this https://github.com/visionmedia/commander.js or https://github.com/davepacheco/node-getopt or something similar (but something slight and with a minimum count of dependencies). You are free to PR. Also @kobezzza you are free to add something like 'beforeCompiling' and 'afterCompiling' callbacks.