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Differences between implemented and described in standard short method definition. #62

Closed yernende closed 9 years ago

yernende commented 10 years ago

If a property definition has the form of a FunctionDeclaration without the keyword function it is a non-enumerable, non-writable, non-configurable data property definition whose name is the function name. This is called a method definition.

But defined in such way function is writable, enumerable, configurable.

If a property definition is the above form of FunctionDeclaration or is a get or set property definition the comma that separates it from the following property definition may be omitted.

But error occurs when such syntax is used.

Source: http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:object_literals#object_literal_property_shorthands

yernende commented 9 years ago

That specification has been deprecated