terminal42 / contao-password-validation

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with the extension a login is no longer possible #6

Closed zonky2 closed 3 years ago

zonky2 commented 3 years ago

If the extension is installed and you create a new PW in the BE, you cannot log in with it.

Contao 4.9.5

related with #3

Toflar commented 3 years ago

@richardhj is this a duplicate of #3 aka going to be fixed in Contao core? If so, please close this :) Thx

richardhj commented 3 years ago

I found an incompatibility when using PHP>=7.4.

7.4.0 | The values of the password algo IDs (PASSWORD_BCRYPT, PASSWORD_ARGON2I, PASSWORD_ARGON2ID and PASSWORD_DEFAULT) are now strings. Previously, they have been integers.

Fixed in 0d40143e8839c213b1b2c35bb0a68cfc47eb99b9.

zonky2 commented 3 years ago

O.K. - I had PHP 7.2