terminalPoltergeist / dotfiles

$HOME is where the heart is
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vim function to insert "header" #21

Open terminalPoltergeist opened 1 year ago

terminalPoltergeist commented 1 year ago

insert the header below into a file. auto include project and file name. detect language and comment accordingly.

//              ,---------------------------,
//              |  /---------------------\  |
//              | |                       | |
//              | |     Jack Nemitz       | |
//              | |      [Project]        | |
//              | |       [File]          | |
//              | |                       | |
//              |  \_____________________/  |
//              |___________________________|
//            ,---\_____     []     _______/------,
//          /         /______________\           /|
//        /___________________________________ /  | ___
//        |                                   |   |    )
//        |  _ _ _                 [-------]  |   |   (
//        |  o o o                 [-------]  |  /    _)_
//        |__________________________________ |/     /  /
//    /-------------------------------------/|      ( )/
//  /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ /
///-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ /