termite2 / Termite

The Termite driver synthesis tool
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Imposible to install Termite with ghc 7.10.3 #16

Closed alarreine closed 7 years ago

alarreine commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to install Termite with ghc 7.10.3 but it is really hard, I'm not an expert in Haskell.

I followed the instruction but every time that I fix a problem, it appear another.

And now I have this in line 929:14

Could not deduce (glib- string0) arising from a use of ‘G.labelNew’ from the context (D.Rel c v a s) bound by the type signature for sourceWindowCreate :: D.Rel c v a s => RSourceView c a u -> IO G.Widget at Debug/SourceView.hs:913:23-73 instance glib- [Char] -- Defined in ‘glib-’ In a stmt of a 'do' block: lprog <- G.labelNew Nothing In the expression: do { vbox <- G.vBoxNew False 0; G.widgetShow vbox; spec <- getIORef svInputSpec ref; code <- codeWinNew spec; .... } In an equation for ‘sourceWindowCreate’: sourceWindowCreate ref = do { vbox <- G.vBoxNew False 0; G.widgetShow vbox; spec <- getIORef svInputSpec ref; cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:

I have done a fork in https://github.com/apd2 of all the project

I'm not a haskell developer so I'm not sure if all I have done it is correct.

Thanks for your help in advance

alexlegg commented 7 years ago

Hi Agustin,

Termite is not really maintained any more so there's a good chance that trying to get it to work in newer versions of ghc will be tricky. I'd suggest using stack to compile it with an older version of ghc. As a starting point for your stack.yaml file, try looking at this one from my fork. I think the fork contains all of the Termite code unmodified, so the same ghc version should work...


alarreine commented 7 years ago

Thanks, I'm goint to try

adamwalker commented 7 years ago

You can also try putting an upper bound on gtk. Probably one version earlier than the latest one. The errors look like they're related to glib, which gtk uses.

alarreine commented 7 years ago

Hi Adam, wich ghc version and cabal have you used to compile the last time?

AntoineBL commented 7 years ago

Hello, we have fixed the bugs. You can find the correction here apd2 Thank you