termstandard / colors

Color standards for terminal emulators
The Unlicense
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Describe directly querying the terminal for support #16

Closed leonerd closed 5 years ago

leonerd commented 5 years ago

Proposes a more reliable method of detecting truecolor support by directly querying the terminal to ask it.

XVilka commented 5 years ago

Interesting method, this one can be automated to make a test suite, maybe we should make a "modern terminal tests", with colors, BiDi support, mouse support, etc

leonerd commented 5 years ago

maybe we should make a "modern terminal tests", with colors, BiDi support, mouse support, etc

Indeed. Much of this can be detected by just querying the terminal these days; in my opinion it makes a far more robust program than trying to rely on terminfo or similar databases. I'd be happy to discuss at length - but perhaps email would be better than abusing a github ticket? I can be reached at leonerd [at] leonerd [dot] org [dot] uk

textshell commented 5 years ago

In which terminals does this work? From the terminals i have surveyed this is likely to only work in xterm. I expect pangoterm / libvterm to also support this based on the submitter.

It's seems odd to suggest detection that really only works in very few terminals.

Edit: I'm not saying this is a bad idea. But i think it should be clearer how widely possible detection methods are supported. Currently terminal fingerprinting for example would likely be able to enable true color in more terminals (of course it's a lot harder)

Also related: Discussion on feature reporting: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/terminal-wg/specifications/issues/8