termstandard / colors

Color standards for terminal emulators
The Unlicense
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Add info about new Windows Terminal #18

Open XVilka opened 5 years ago

XVilka commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/microsoft/terminal one

eabase commented 2 years ago

Would have been cool to be able to test if a particular terminal or shell has TRUECOLOR available or not. Maybe a bit redundant, as the new windows console now provide 24-bit Truecolor and most terminals are now offering this. For example, if I ssh into Windows machine from another one, will I be able to get all the coloring?


Made by:

function graybar {
    # Truecolor
    #Write-Host "`e[38;2;255;100;0mTRUECOLOR`e[0m"
    $ts = "TRUECOLOR".ToCharArray()
    $tlen = $ts.length
    $j = 0              # ts index
    $n = 0              # Where on the grayscale to start printing 
    $ra = 232..255      # color number array
    $out = @(); 

    ForEach ($i in $ra) {
        if ( ($j -lt $tlen) -AND ( $i -gt $ra[0]+$n-1 ) -AND ($i -lt 255) ) { 
            $out += "`e[48;5;$($i)m`e[38;2;255;100;0m$($ts[$j])`e[0m`e[m"  # letter box
        } else {
            $out += "`e[48;5;$($i)m `e[0m"  # empty box
    $out -join ""