termstandard / colors

Color standards for terminal emulators
The Unlicense
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Stronger collaboration #35

Closed BridgeAR closed 2 years ago

BridgeAR commented 2 years ago

@XVilka are you open for others to join the termstandard organization to drive this further in collaboration? :-)

XVilka commented 2 years ago


XVilka commented 2 years ago

Are there any volunteers?

BridgeAR commented 2 years ago

I would like to join. What about others that contributed before like @pocc?

kurahaupo commented 2 years ago

@XVilka count me in too

XVilka commented 2 years ago

As @BridgeAR and @kurahaupo are now part of the organization, I am closing this as resolved. Thank you, everyone!

kurahaupo commented 2 years ago

@XVilka there's a small problem: although we're now part of the organization, we don't automatically get any privileges on existing projects & repos, so can't actually do anything beyond add comments to tickets like this.

Is there anything you'd like us to do? Close tickets? Merge PR's?

XVilka commented 2 years ago

@kurahaupo sorry, for some reason the "base role" for organization members was just "Read", not sure why. I changed it to "Write", should work now. Let me know if something doesn't work still.

kurahaupo commented 2 years ago

Looks like it's working now.