termux / proot

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Is it possible to use Qemu in combination with Proot in termux #109

Open JanuszChmiel opened 4 years ago

JanuszChmiel commented 4 years ago

Dear specialists, because I have found out, that there are some apps, which can not be used with The presence of The regular Lnux kernel such as gnome-builder, I have one plea to you. Is it possible to combine Qemu with Proot in running Linux distro which have been executed by using Proot from Termux? Or is it only possible to start some Linux distro by using Qemu and Proot but not from running distribution which have been executed by using Proot? My goal. Start full Linux distro sure without X11 support, because Qemu ARm64 Bit allocate many CPu cycles. I would like to build project from Linux distro full Linux distro with its running Kernel, with init scripts, etc. And with The fully functional DBUS which can connecte to Systemd. Standalone Limbo PC emulator is based on SDL and there is no keyboard reliable support. Or unfortunately, I can not use Termux and Proot to boot Arch Linux or other? I need only Linux distro with terminal support not with X11. support or sound support. I Am aware, that it would be much much more slower than while executing some binary data directly from Termux.

One programmer have created bootable Alpine, but because there is no default SSH preconfigured, I can not experiment with it. I need have The feetback.

ghost commented 4 years ago

You can use qemu + proot to run a chrooted environment of different architecture. But you can't use this combination to boot the distribution.

If you need a bootable distribution, you don't need proot at all.

JanuszChmiel commented 4 years ago

aaThank you very much for yours answer. So for example, it is possible to run X64 Bit edition on ARM64 Bit CPU.

SDRausty commented 3 years ago

it is possible to run X64 Bit edition on ARM64 Bit CPU.

Yes, it is possible.

JanuszChmiel commented 3 years ago

It would allow to run some Windows X86 apps by using Wine onAArch64 Bit cpus. Sure with many limitations. Because legally available Wine package is not full WIndows replacement.

SDRausty commented 3 years ago

Windows X86 apps

levi wrote:

those issues come from using an old pacman and keyring I strongly suspect. The upstream arch changed archive format since then, and we followed suit

The Arch Linux 32 x86 on smartphone topic, "the filesystem is there, we leave it up to you to pack it up as you want to" is open as, "upstream arch changed archive format." This topic appears to include i386 architectures as well.

I wrote:

Does anyone have a dusty old computer box with peripherals stored away that can be revived to run Arch Linux 32 without emulation to create a publishable root file system?

@JanuszChmiel authored:

Is it possible to use Qemu in combination with Proot in termux #109

Implementing QEMU #25 in TermuxArch was a closed issue recently. When the two tap PROOT QEMU install for all available Arch Linux architectures was published not long ago it became clear that x86 is more than two taps + select, and this ease of install seems to have changed for x86 emulated in modern Android smartphones as these issues are currently open:

  1. https://bbs.archlinux32.org/viewtopic.php?pid=7439
  2. https://github.com/TermuxArch/TermuxArch/issues/25
  3. https://github.com/termux/proot/issues/109
SDRausty commented 3 years ago

proot info: vpid 1: terminated with signal 11

steps to reproduce with Android 10 armv7l:

setupTermuxArch v i x86