termux / proot

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Speech-dispatcher, Pulseaudio and Espeak-ng Proot related question #196

Open JanuszChmiel opened 2 years ago

JanuszChmiel commented 2 years ago

Dear advanced C programmers. I would like to kindly ask you, if some code of Proot can drive The speech responsiveness between key stroke and produced Speech output. I have specifically The following issue. When I Am browsing The WEB pages with Orca and Seamonkey Internet suite: When I press keys fast, speech responsiveness is very responsive. But for example. If I press key stroke every 800 Milliseconds, speech responsiveness is getting longer delay between key press and Espeak speech. Pulseaudio is making A good job. It do not allow Sound chips to get totally sleep, so transistors are producing little soft noise. But eventhough this background task of Pulseaudio is doing its best, there is still some other deep thread somethere, which is causing delay if audio chunks are send to sound device with longer delay. Is it realy impossible to control this behaviour? Is it really build in to Media server for example orr even directly to The Android kernel?

I have even tried to play other sound by using some Linux app and Proot, but without results. Speech-dispatcher and Espeak-ng produces longer delay. Does somebody of us think, that I could improve this responsiveness?