termux / proot

An chroot-like implementation using ptrace.
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System location access issues #251

Closed Saikatsaha1996 closed 1 year ago

Saikatsaha1996 commented 1 year ago

Dear Developers.

I want help ..

I have problem like this IMG_20230115_190224 IMG_20230115_190206

I already was created issue in proot-distro but yes i made mistakes because proot-distro working with proot scripts.. Mey be i can get solution or mey be not.. but i hope if someone can help..

My issue details in proot-distro


Thank you Regards HappY

Saikatsaha1996 commented 1 year ago

@sylirre Solved with another way !


--bind /dev/dri/card0:/dev/card0 Thank you!