termux / termux-float

Termux add-on app to show the terminal in a floating terminal window.
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Continue of Bug/Feature description in #37 #42

Open RalfWerner opened 2 years ago

RalfWerner commented 2 years ago

Problem description

In #37, bugs and features were described, which were not fixed or implemented. @agnostic-apollo, but you have closed this issue, which would be ok in the case of integration in Termux app. To my question:

:) Very good Idea! What is your scheduling? ... do you know a workarrond?

I have not received any answer so far and also with integration would remain some of the Issues. LTP=Long-Tap-Pinch must be implemented differently, because LT already exists in *app.

I've performed further LTP attempts with Studio (emulator updated) and standalone. Pinch still works after Long-Tap incorrectly on all my AVD on two different (Windows) PC and Android versions 10-12. Have you compared the logs with yours and on which OS do you work?

If LTP will never be needed soon, tis Bug does not need to be resolved, but the fullscreen problem already. A nice example of fullscreen (five times) is RealVNC without pinned bars. Float is only partially (top bar) correct on non-AVD devices and the *properties: fullscreen=true is ineffective on all my devices. How is it with you?

Steps to reproduce

Start Float on any AVD Device like right site in this Video and following shots

Expected behavior

Pinch zoom is possible, like left site

Additional information

log of standalone (updated) AVD emulator (pixel_2) start

D:\Android>cd sdk
INFO    | Android emulator version (build_id 7920983) (CL:N/A)
WARNING | unexpected system image feature string, emulator might not function correctly, please try updating the emulator.
INFO    | configAndStartRenderer: setting vsync to 60 hz
INFO    | added library vulkan-1.dll
ERROR   | Failed to open /qemu.conf, err: 2
HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode.
INFO    | Started GRPC server at, security: Local
INFO    | Advertising in: C:\Users\th80wr\AppData\Local\Temp\avd\running\pid_8724.ini
ERROR   | Unable to connect to adb daemon on port: 5037
ERROR   | Unable to connect to adb daemon on port: 5037
INFO    | Critical: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'update' of undefined (qrc:/html/js/location-mock-web-channel.js:130, (null))

INFO    | Critical: Failed to load https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/mapsjs/gen_204?csp_test=true: The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header has a value 'qrc://' that is not equal to the supplied origin. Origin 'qrc://' is therefore not allowed access. (qrc:/html/js/location-mock-web-channel.js:0, (null))

check with Studio and AVD emulator (pixel_c) record the LTP action and logcat


RalfWerner commented 2 years ago

@agnostic-apollo, I asked for nl=~/../../lib workaround , which I've found in between for ADV-Pixel-5 with Android 12/x86_64: is pkg in android-tools done, I get with u='adb shell' ct=com.termux apk=$($u pm path $ct|grep base|cut -d: -f2) the AKP file and with ln -s $(dirname $apk)/lib/* $nl the desired path symlink (old Android versions do not need $u) . Unfortunately, this does not work on my Samsung (Android 11adb... failed) Do you have an idea what I can do?

My checks of the Andoid-12 AVD have given other bugs with fullscreen toggle, keyboard in ExtraKeys, paste (nothing happens) and split-mode/OS-KB. I could describe them more detailed, or are they known to you?

checks after 0.118 update

I had no problem with clone/build after your last push.The number of source files has risen from 257 to 274, 71 were removed, 28 canged and 25 added. ExtraKeys=EK called now Toolbar except in the DRAWER, where it called KEYBOARD. My questions above are not answered - I've some more, e.g. If the following lines are in *properties, then NEXT does not work anymore!:

extra-keys=[[{macro:'CTRL d',display:exit},{macro:'CTRL n',display:'next'}]]

With termux-reload-settings, the fullscreen property is now changed too, but still without using the NAV-Bar, like in other apps. At least in Android 12, the Toolbar sometimes disappears or there are large gaps between OS-KB and Toolbar - could you repeat?. A floating Toolbar solution would avoid many problems with RS=Reseed Screen and could possibly be used in Float and X11 too.

ctrl+n is shortcut for down key ...

Until I rename the shortcut (Handling terminal sessions)! This was correct before your last push. The *properties above I've been using for a while. I tried unsuccessfully to replaced n by other characters and also crtl+2 (recommended in Wiki) is not working anymore - there should be crtl+n rename.

RalfWerner commented 2 years ago

"Fullscreen" Feature when you merge Termux and Float

The only way to use RealVNC with Termux on the same screen is Float. Because RealVNC+Xvnc=XServer is not split-enabled*) but is here model for good fullscreen with EKV. This toolbox is displayed with activated MB=Mouse Buttons (on botton) or OS-KB (above this) and without both, all NAV-bars are hidden if they are not pinned. *) weeknesses of the Apps are not topic here - only fullscreen capability and use of Nav-bar-space.

The lower Nav-bar (Portrait) attitude is at Landscape right hand. Wipe the two Nav-bars inside show these briefly and also the pinned-bar of RealVNC briefly. Termux could behave the same fullscreen because it does not collide with the Drawer. Float uses the top-Nav-bar-space but not the lower/right. Example on Pixel-5-AVD with Android 12 in 1: vertical/prortrait 2: landsscape position:


Details to the record of two independ recorded Videos above On both screens are four XClients and two Apps. At start all Nav-bars are removed in 1: and in the end in both. The space of Nav-bars used for Fluxbox (Window-Ornaments, Task-Manager) in this [OTS](https://github.com/termux/termux-float/issues/37#issuecomment-916777123) (see details in `bashrc` below). Finger/Mouse are yellow circles and actions in 2: start at 0:05 with a _release_ action. - 1: The right (vertical) view starts with **Float** in _most top/right position_ and moved to the other _limits_ during the 13 seconds. Upto **0:03** a Nav-bar-sweep-from-top is done with _select MB_ and _release_. Then EKV is visible but hide the Task-manager. Above EKV the three MB and right-side the MB-weel are visible. Upto **0:07** Float-Window is moved thru the diagonale. Now MB1 is unreachable. From **0:09** all Nav-bars switched on with _sweep-buttom-up_, MB switched off in Pinned-bar (under Top-Nav-bar) and all Bars are removed. - 2: Horizontal (landscape) is at begin with upper-Nav-bar, Pinned-Bar, **EKV** (overlap Task-bar) and MB turned on. At the end (last picture) are all Nav-bar off. **Float** is at Botton and in _most right/bot position_. So MB1, MB2 and EKV are partialy unreachable, until these turned off at **0:10**. From **0:11** the Fluxbox-Taskmanager and feh-Window-Ornaments are completely usable`*)` but without MB (only MB1 possible now). `*)` **RealVNC** has **not** a EMM=_Emulated Mouse Mode_. Means: the Pointer has to move and double-click used for the _press_ action. All actions in Float, EKV,Nav-bars and OS-KB using EMM. I prefer X11, where several _Mouse Modes_ selectable. Also WM=_Window Manager_ (PC Relic) are superfluous to Phones if better concepts are available.
Installations requirements and bashrc script (OTS) to repeat the video below the **OTS**-Script (9 loc) in the path `~/i/bashrc`. In the same path two images `bg*` are expected in any _feh-supported_ format (`png,jpg...`) for background and "_feh_ in window". If not already done, you find it in [ip.zip](https://www.dropbox.com/s/ug071qoox8gwf1c/ip.zip?dl=0) together with the three Apps (_realvnc,termux_ and _float_), which have to install previously. If never done before, **Termux** has to open _once_ for _bootstrap_. All nessesary packages installed, if not done. ``` bash #!/bin/bash # VNC-Xserver & WM=fluxbox (includes feh and aterm) JOB_1:115.173.=fluxbox z="am start -n" r="$z com.realvnc.viewer.android/.app.ConnectionChooserActivity" case $1 in 0|1) $r;; 2) $z com.termux/.app.TermuxActivity;; *). uu.sh . .; esac ;f= v=.vnc [ -n "$1" -o -n "$RT" ]&& return;[ ! -f u/bin/Xvnc ]&& pkg i tigervnc $WM -y;t=$PREFIX/tmp alias t='. ~/.bashrc' n='u uu n /home/.termux/termux.properties &'; export DISPLAY=:1 if [ -z "$(pgrep -o Xvnc)" ];then rm -rf $v/l* $t/.X*; [ -z "$WxH" ]&& WxH=700x700 $e geometry=$WxH>$v/config; $e '#'>$v/xstartup; vncserver :1 -localhost; $r; fi for p in $WM aterm feh; do s=$(pgrep -o $p); if [ -z $s ];then $p $f>$t/$p 2>&1& fi ;f=;[ ${p::1} = a ]&& f="-g 300x200+0+400 i/bg2*";done ;feh --bg-fill i/bg1*; $pp ``` VNC expect a _password_: Two times after installation and one time at **RealVNC** start, if not already done/saved and screen-geometrie `$WxH`. To get _fullscreen_ as in Video a pinch-zoom and pointer movement is needed. If something missing use command: `t`. **OTS** from [Startscreen](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45426380/151691718-319fbcf5-d074-4c32-9a79-28cc14a3dc9d.png) could be done with App: **Float** or **Termux** (with _toggle-Key_ (EK) for `$r`-switch and back `t 2` in aterm) To start Termux (`ln -s i/bashrc .bashrc` ) the file, `uu.sh` is needed. A simplified version can be created with: `echo "e=echo pp="ps -eo comm,etime" WM=fluxbox;$e u $@ ...">~/uu.sh` otherwise use the file from _ip.zip_ to get more.
fullsreen with termux-x11 (basic version) The only x11 version with correct _fullscreen_ is the two years old basic version (also in ip.zip). Here Installation and processing of three _check_ sources (*.c). ... in progress! ``` bash ```