termux / termux-packages

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termux selenium-webdriver #2149

Open delmarocks opened 6 years ago

nikhilgrajput commented 3 months ago

4. --no-dependency

Hey thanks for your reply.

  1. But when I open chromium manually in My Android device and login to some web site, lets say Instagram, and after login, I closed the chromium. When I again open the chromium browser manually it kept me logged into Instagram. But if I open it via selenium from termux, it shows me the login page, I need to login into Instagram again. I want selenium to not to logout me from Instagram when I open the website again from selenium.
  2. I have given storage permission to browser. I am not aware if is there any specific permission for copy paste other than that. If you know please me know how can I allow it.
  3. Yeah, My Andoid have firefox installed on it. Also I have installed both firefox and gecko using the commands you have provided in you example

           yes | pkg install x11-repo -y
           yes | pkg install firefox -y
           yes | pkg install geckodriver -y

    Still can't see the firefox

  4. Let me try this option, will update you on this.
luanon404 commented 3 months ago
  1. --no-dependency

Hey thanks for your reply.

1. But when I open chromium manually in My Android device and login to some web site, lets say Instagram, and after login, I closed the chromium. When I again open the chromium browser manually it kept me logged into Instagram. But if I open it via selenium from termux, it shows me the login page, I need to login into Instagram again. I want selenium to not to logout me from Instagram when I open the website again from selenium.

2. I have given storage permission to browser. I am not aware if is there any specific permission for copy paste other than that. If you know please me know how can I allow it.

3. Yeah, My Andoid have firefox installed on it. Also I have installed both firefox and gecko using the commands you have provided in you example
           yes | pkg install x11-repo -y
           yes | pkg install firefox -y
           yes | pkg install geckodriver -y

Still can't see the firefox 4. Let me try this option, will update you on this.

  1. You didnt read my tutorial on github, i warned about that, each time open, selenium will clear your data, and this very normal for selenium.
  2. im using android 9 and idk about that, but for above version, u need to allow that.
  3. Make sure u using termux 1.181, if not, then its problem