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neovim segfault / erratic #248

Closed zelhar closed 7 years ago

zelhar commented 8 years ago


It seems that since the last version of neovim for termux it stopped working on my Nexus 9 LTE. About 1 in 7 times it might actually start normally, the rest of the time it either segfaults or prints a scroll of error messages on the screen and finally starts without properly loading init.vim (and what not else?).

Neo-Oli commented 8 years ago

Can you post some of these error messages?

zelhar commented 8 years ago

Yes of course:

: No such group or event: .shada,.shada.tmp.[a-z] :if !empty(v:cmdarg)|throw '++opt not supported'|endif |call writefile(shada#getbinstrings(getline(min([line("'["), line("']")]),max([line("'["), line("']")]))),expand(''),'b') line 36: E216: No such group or event: .shada,_.shada.tmp.[a-z] :if !empty(v:cmdarg)|throw '++opt not supported'|endif |call writefile(shada#getbinstrings(getline(min([line("'["), line("']")]),max([line("'["), line("']")]))),expand(''),'ab') line 38: E216: No such group or event: .shada,.shada.tmp.[a-z] :execute 'rshada' fnameescape(expand('')) Error detected while processing /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/spellfile.vim: line 8: E216: No such group or event: * call spellfile#LoadFile(expand('')) Error detected while processing /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/tarPlugin.vim: line 28: E216: No such group or event: tarfile::^Icall tar#Write(expand("")) line 34: E216: No such group or event: tarfile::/^Icall tar#Write(expand("")) Error detected while processing /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim: line 30: E216: No such group or event: .vba.gz,.vba.bz2,.vba.zip,.vba.xz^I^I^Iif expand("%")!=expand("") | exe "1sp" fnameescape(expand(""))|endif|call vimball#Decompress(expand(""))|so %|if expand("%")!=expand("")|close|endif line 31: E216: No such group or event: .vba^I^I^I^I^I^I^I^I^I^I^Iif expand("%")!=expand("") | exe "1sp" fnameescape(expand(""))|call vimball#Vimball(1)|close|else|call vimball#Vimball(1)|endif line 33: E216: No such group or event: .vmb.gz,.vmb.bz2,.vmb.zip,.vmb.xz^I^I^Iif expand("%")!=expand("") | exe "1sp" fnameescape(expand(""))|endif|call vimball#Decompress(expand(""))|so %|if expand("%")!=expand("")|close|endif line 34: E216: No such group or event: .vmb^I^I^I^I^I^I^I^I^I^I^Iif expand("%")!=expand("") | exe "1sp" fnameescape(expand(""))|call vimball#Vimball(1)|close|else|call vimball#Vimball(1)|endif Error detected while processing /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/nvim/runtime/plugin/zipPlugin.vim: line 40: E216: No such group or event: zipfile:^Icall zip#Write(expand("")) line 46: E216: No such group or event: zipfile:/^Icall zip#Write(expand("")) line 49: E216: No such group or event: .zip,.jar,.xpi,.ja,.war,.ear,.celzip,.oxt,.kmz,.wsz,.xap,.docx,.docm,.dotx,.dotm,.potx,.potm,.ppsx,.ppsm,.pptx,.pptm,.ppam,.sldx,.thmx,.xlam,.xlsx,.xlsm,.xlsb,.xltx,.xltm,.xlam,.crtx,.vdw,.glox,.gcsx,_.gqsx call zip#Browse(expand("")) Press ENTER or type command to continue

fornwall commented 8 years ago

Hm, I don't really know how to debug that (I can't reproduce the problem myself)...

I just rebuilt the neovim package, can you update to the latest version (apt update && apt -y upgrade) and see if it's fixed there?

If the problem remains after updating, can you reproduce the problem when running

nvim -u NONE


zelhar commented 8 years ago

When I start with nvim -u NONE neovim starts without errors. However typing from within nvim :syntax on reproduces the error. I have that command in my init.vim file too. I removed filetype.vim and the .config/nvim/syntax folder but the error persists.

zelhar commented 8 years ago

Has anybody else reproduced this error? This is the result after I start wit ˋnvim -u NONEˋ and then type ˋ:filetype plugin indent onˋ :

rror detected while processing /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/nvim/runtime/filetype.vim: line 972: E216: No such group or event: *.4gl,*.4gh,*.m4gl^Isetf fgl line 975: E216: No such group or event: *.ini^I^I^Isetf dosini line 978: E216: No such group or event: inittab^I^I^Isetf inittab line 981: E216: No such group or event: *.iss^I^I^Isetf iss line 984: E216: No such group or event: *.ijs^I^I^Isetf j line 987: E216: No such group or event: *.jal,*.JAL^I^Isetf jal line 990: E216: No such group or event: *.jpl,*.jpr^I^Isetf jam line 993: E216: No such group or event: *.java,*.jav^I^Isetf java line 996: E216: No such group or event: *.jj,*.jjt^I^Isetf javacc line 999: E216: No such group or event: *.js,*.javascript,*.es,*.jsx setf javascript line 1002: E216: No such group or event: *.jsp^I^I^Isetf jsp line 1005: E216: No such group or event: *.properties,*.properties_??,*.properties_??_??^Isetf jproperties line 1006: E216: No such group or event: *.properties_??_??_*^Icall s:StarSetf('jproperties') line 1009: E216: No such group or event: *.clp^I^I^Isetf jess line 1012: E216: No such group or event: *.jgr^I^I^Isetf jgraph line 1015: E216: No such group or event: *.jov,*.j73,*.jovial^Isetf jovial line 1018: E216: No such group or event: *.json,*.jsonp^I^Isetf json line 1021: E216: No such group or event: *.kix^I^I^Isetf kix line 1024: E216: No such group or event: *.k^I^I^Isetf kwt line 1027: E216: No such group or

vainikkaj commented 8 years ago

I'm also experiencing this on my Nexus 9.

Neo-Oli commented 8 years ago

I tested it on my xperia z and z3c, but can not reproduce

zelhar commented 7 years ago

UPDATE: The latest 0.2 seems to work without major bugs.

fornwall commented 7 years ago

@zelhar Great, thanks for the update!