termux / termux-widget

Termux add-on app which adds shortcuts to commands on the home screen.
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Launching a script only throws "cannot execute: required file not found" #115

Closed LukasThyWalls closed 4 months ago

LukasThyWalls commented 4 months ago


Problem description

I'm trying to use Termux widget to launch scripts launching Streamlink with different URLs to see different streams, but I find some issues. The specific script is this one:

~/.shortcuts $ cat NASA.sh
slink www.youtube.com/NASA/live best

What is slink? It's a workaround to make streamlink work. I explain that below in additional information.

If i run it in Termux terminal, it works normally:

~/.shortcuts $ ./NASA.sh
[cli][info] Found matching plugin youtube for URL www.youtube.com/NASA/live
[cli][info] Available streams: 144p (worst), 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p (best)
[cli][info] Starting server, access with one of:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Streamlink
Content-Type: video/unknown

Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat= cmp=org.videolan.vlc/.gui.video.VideoPlayerActivity }
[cli][info] Got HTTP request from VLC/3.0.18 LibVLC/3.0.18
[cli][info] Opening stream: 720p (hls)
( ... )

However, if I use it directly in the widget, it shows this instead:

/data/data/com.termux/files/home/.shortcuts/NASA.sh: line 2: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/slink: cannot execute: required file not found

[Process completed (code 127) - press Enter]

An important thing to note: If instead of using that slink script, i launch directly streamlink (streamlink www.youtube.com/NASA/live best) in my widget shortcuts, IT WORKS. So is something with the script itself, not streamlink.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Follow this guide to setup streamlink in termux.
  2. Create a shorcut for the Termux Widget with any stream URL, for example:
    ~/.shortcuts $ cat NASA.sh
    slink www.youtube.com/NASA/live best
  3. Run it from the Widget.

Expected behavior

It should run exactly the same as when you run it from the termux terminal.

Additional information

I used this guide, because you can't use streamlink directly inside Termux without some issues and because streamlink is not officially supported in Android you only can set some workarounds. The main issue there is you need to maintain streamlink alive because as you launch VLC through am, and am launchs it and directly closes, streamlinkthinks that the player has been closed and stops streaming to VLC is still there playing (and suddenly VLC closes a few second later when there is no more bytes from the stream to show).

The script is in the guide but I can copy it here:

set -e


streamlink "$@" \
  --player-external-http \
  --player-external-http-interface "${INTERFACE}" \
  --player-external-http-port "${PORT}" \

trap "kill ${slpid} 2>/dev/null" EXIT

while ! curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "http://${INTERFACE}:${PORT}"; do
  sleep 0.1

am start \
  -n "${PLAYER}" \
  -a android.intent.action.VIEW \
  -d "http://${INTERFACE}:${PORT}"

read -n1 -s
# or run: wait $slpid

Like i said above, if instead of using this script, I try to launch using streamlink itself in the shortcut widget script, it has that issue about closing itself prematurely but it launches from the Termux Widget without problem.

Both scripts are in /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/ to make it easy to launch them everywhere:

$ ls -l /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/s*link
-rwxr-xr-x 1 u0_a656 everybody    569 May 11 21:05 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/slink
-rwxr-xr-x 1 u0_a656 u0_a656      248 May 17 23:57 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/streamlink



agnostic-apollo commented 4 months ago


LukasThyWalls commented 4 months ago


Ok, ok... thanks!

PD.: Launching with tudo seems to do the trick, thanks!

agnostic-apollo commented 4 months ago
