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module resolution plugins cause slowdown in brackets in vim for at least YouCompleteMe #918

Open tonywoode opened 7 years ago

tonywoode commented 7 years ago

To reproduce


  "plugins": {
    "node_resolve": {},
    "es_modules": {},
    "modules": {}
 export class DemonstrateSlowParens extends React.Component {

  constructor(props) {

  someMethod(video) {
      loading: true

    (this.props.connectToSomething || connectToSomething)(channel)(video, state => this.setState(state))

marijnh commented 7 years ago

I can't reproduce this with just that file snippet. It is likely that the problem is with a dependency of your file that is being analyzed, and by disabling one of these plugins, you disable dependency loading. As such, this is probably not so much about combining the plugins, but about loading a given piece of code. I haven't got enough information to figure out which code.

tonywoode commented 7 years ago

sure, so actually I have the cripplingy slow cursor-through-parenthesized-text just with:


  "plugins": {
    "node_resolve": {},
    "modules": {}


  "main": "test.js",
  "dependencies": {
    "express": "^4.14.1",
    "ramda": "^0.22.1"


const R = require('ramda')
const app = require('express')();
const http = require('http').Server(app);

(or any combination of moderately large node project).

then npm install then vim test.js. Then try and w through from the start to the end of those three lines in under a minute!

In fact even with just one of these dependencies, navigating through its own require statements parens demonstrates the issue for several seconds. (I have a 2015 macbook pro core i7 3.1ghz)

with es6 imports, i receive the same problem with:


  "plugins": {
    "node_resolve": {},
    "es_modules": {},
    "modules": {}


import R from 'ramda'

export default function main(foo, bar){

 return baz

(try navigating through the (foo, bar))

BUT I don't receive the issue with test2.js if either node-resolve or es-modules are singly removed from my tern config

I must stress Ramda is merely an example, any moderately large imported codebase causes similar motion-in-brackets sickness

marijnh commented 7 years ago

I must stress Ramda is merely an example,

I'm not sure that's the case -- Ramda is known to work poorly with Tern, see #570

tonywoode commented 7 years ago

You're right, changing Ramda to React cures the problem in my first example! Thanks for the link to #570



  "plugins": {
    "node_resolve": {},
    "modules": {}


  "main": "test.js",
  "dependencies": {
    "data.either": "^1.5.0",
    "data.task": "^3.0.0",
    "postal": "^1.0.8"



const q = require('data.either')
const r = require('data.task')
const s = require('postal')

has exactly the same order of magnitude of slowdown. ack ramda -ri ~/tester/node_modules/postal (and it seems to be Postal causing the issue there) gives me nothing...

tonywoode commented 7 years ago

and an es6 module example demonstrating the second issue but without using Ramda:


  "plugins": {
    "node_resolve": {},
    "es_modules": {},
    "modules": {}

(corresponding package.json)


import jsdom from 'jsdom'
import mocha from 'mocha'
import mochawesome from 'mochawesome'
import nyc from 'nyc'
import rx from 'rx'

export class someClass {

  connect(video) {

    (this.props.connectToSomething || connectToSomething)(channel)(video, state => this.setState(state));


try to w or right-arrow through that last line...same order of magnitude issues as Ramda

the YCM Options I have set:

let g:ycm_auto_trigger = 0
let g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_completion = 1
let g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_insertion = 1