I transfered my #mir from Metamask to Terra station using the terra bridge. The coins have not reached my wallet and I am seeking for some support to continue my staking. The transaction was success and approved.
Transaction Hash: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x6729f45311831ddb4aeefbd4648630612a9dc249834afa9230718e9c4e9218cb
From Metamask: 0x1E4802a61d020987B302723C58E1d5502d2baB4C
To Terra station wallet: terra12ew9g97mfmd93mh8yfk44d3uaqsf40jyr6a83m
Can someone please help me find my tokens please, many thanks.
Hello, I transfered my #mir from Metamask to Terra station using the terra bridge. The coins have not reached my wallet and I am seeking for some support to continue my staking. The transaction was success and approved. Transaction Hash: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x6729f45311831ddb4aeefbd4648630612a9dc249834afa9230718e9c4e9218cb From Metamask: 0x1E4802a61d020987B302723C58E1d5502d2baB4C To Terra station wallet: terra12ew9g97mfmd93mh8yfk44d3uaqsf40jyr6a83m Can someone please help me find my tokens please, many thanks.