terra-money / genesis-tools

Genesis Build Script for Terra 2.0
10 stars 138 forks source link

Add Setten gentx #96

Closed etienne-napoleone closed 2 years ago

etienne-napoleone commented 2 years ago

created with

terrad gentx operator 1000000uluna \
    --chain-id="phoenix-1" \
    --pubkey=$(terrad tendermint show-validator) \
    --security-contact="hello@setten.io" \
    --moniker="Setten" \
    --details="Powering Terra with fast and reliable infrastructure ⚡" \
    --identity="C16D2E103F105C14" \
    --commission-rate="0.1" \
    --commission-max-rate="0.2" \
    --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
    --node-id="39c3fac29ae644af585e366be6771eaaa8ccd" \  # this is a random hex string with the same length as a node key