Updating TerrainCLI styling to include stylized, boxed terminal messages. TerrainCLI logs will now require the user to provide a message as well as a title for presentation. Furthermore, the user can surround important information with double quotes so that it may be highlighted in a different color. Example:
TerrainCLI.error('Contract "${args.contract}" has not been deployed to the "${args.network}" network', 'Contract Not Deployed');
Updating TerrainCLI styling to include stylized, boxed terminal messages. TerrainCLI logs will now require the user to provide a message as well as a title for presentation. Furthermore, the user can surround important information with double quotes so that it may be highlighted in a different color. Example:
TerrainCLI.error('Contract "${args.contract}" has not been deployed to the "${args.network}" network', 'Contract Not Deployed');