terra-money / warp-contracts

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[Feature] implement job based account #43

Closed dev8723 closed 1 year ago

dev8723 commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/terra-money/warp-contracts/issues/38 This is the part of exploration on solving asset lock.

Introduce a new endpoint create_account_and_job with the ability to create a job account tied to the job that is creating (or a series of recurring job), ideally for jobs that need to spend token (e.g. a limit order job), we will use this endpoint and create a job account, so funds will be isolated from other jobs by nature because only this job (and owner, but no other jobs) can spend the assets of job account.

A nice bonus comes with create_account_and_job is user can also use it to create job and regular account (maybe we call it default account or primary account) if not exist. So users don't need to include 2 msgs (create_account, create_job) in 1 tx to create a job as they do now, we can deprecate create_account if we want to use create_account_and_job in the future.

Note: job account is not saved in the ACCOUNTS map, so I add a query_job_account which takes a job_id to query it.

Also assets_to_withdraw works great with job account to withdraw all assets after job is executed, if we use it on default account it will mess up other pending jobs, but not in job account!

dev8723 commented 1 year ago

Verified everything on testnet using the examples here, using create_account_and_job to create a default account and job, create a job account and job, create a job account and a recurring job. and executing all of them successfully.

dev8723 commented 1 year ago

closed and carry on the work in https://github.com/terra-money/warp-contracts/pull/53/