terrabrasilis / ams

AMS - Amazon Situation Room
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Keep legend with the same number of ticks #63

Closed avancinirodrigo closed 3 years ago

avancinirodrigo commented 3 years ago

Currently, the number of thicks change depending on the min and max values.

avancinirodrigo commented 3 years ago

This code can be useful

            let scale = d3.scaleLinear()
            let domain = scale.domain();
            let domainSize = scale.domain().length; 
            let tickStep = (domain[domainSize-1] - scale.domain()[0]) / (this._numberOfTicks - 1);
            let ticks = d3.range(scale.domain()[0], scale.domain()[domainSize-1] + tickStep, tickStep);
            let legend = scale;