terraform-aws-modules / terraform-aws-eks

Terraform module to create Amazon Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) resources πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
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Stucking on creating aws_autoscaling_group #2028

Closed allanian closed 2 years ago

allanian commented 2 years ago


Hello, i'm trying to use this example with complete node_group, but its stucking on file

module.eks.module.self_managed_node_group["workers"].aws_autoscaling_group.this[0]: Still creating... :

In AWS EC2 Auto Scaling Groups on activity tab, i see this messages:

Launching a new EC2 instance. Status Reason: The requested configuration is currently not supported. Please check the documentation for supported configurations. Launching EC2 instance failed.

Your version of Terraform is out of date! The latest version is 1.1.8. You can update by downloading from https://www.terraform.io/downloads.htm

## Reproduction Code [Required]

### demo.tfvars




region = "us-east-2"

k8s version

cluster_version = "1.22" name="api-demo" instance_type = "t2.micro"

### main.tf

provider "aws" { region = local.region }

provider "kubernetes" { host = module.eks.cluster_endpoint cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(module.eks.cluster_certificate_authority_data)

exec { api_version = "client.authentication.k8s.io/v1alpha1" command = "aws"

This requires the awscli to be installed locally where Terraform is executed

args = ["eks", "get-token", "--cluster-name", module.eks.cluster_id]

} }

locals { name = var.name cluster_version = var.cluster_version region = var.region

tags = { ClusterName = local.name GithubRepo = "terraform-aws-eks" GithubOrg = "terraform-aws-modules" } } terraform { backend "s3" { bucket = "api-s3-bucket" key = "terraform-api-eks/terraform.tfstate" region = "us-east-2" dynamodb_table = "api-s3-bucket-terraform-state-locks"

encrypt = true



data "aws_availability_zones" "available" {} data "aws_caller_identity" "current" {}


EKS Module


module "eks" { source = "./terraform-aws-eks"

cluster_name = local.name cluster_version = local.cluster_version cluster_endpoint_private_access = true cluster_endpoint_public_access = true

cluster_addons = { coredns = { resolve_conflicts = "OVERWRITE" } kube-proxy = {} vpc-cni = { resolve_conflicts = "OVERWRITE" } }

cluster_encryption_config = [{ provider_key_arn = aws_kms_key.eks.arn resources = ["secrets"] }]

vpc_id = module.vpc.vpc_id subnet_ids = module.vpc.private_subnets

Self managed node groups will not automatically create the aws-auth configmap so we need to

create_aws_auth_configmap = true manage_aws_auth_configmap = true

Extend cluster security group rules

cluster_security_group_additional_rules = { egress_nodes_ephemeral_ports_tcp = { description = "To node 1025-65535" protocol = "tcp" from_port = 1025 to_port = 65535 type = "egress" source_node_security_group = true } }

Extend node-to-node security group rules

node_security_group_additional_rules = { ingress_self_all = { description = "Node to node all ports/protocols" protocol = "-1" from_port = 0 to_port = 0 type = "ingress" self = true } egress_all = { description = "Node all egress" protocol = "-1" from_port = 0 to_port = 0 type = "egress" cidr_blocks = [""] ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"] } }

self_managed_node_group_defaults = { disk_size = 20 update_launch_template_default_version = true instance_type = "t3.micro" min_size = 1 max_size = 1 desired_size = 1 }

self_managed_node_groups = {

workers node group

workers = {
  name            = var.name
  use_name_prefix = true
  min_size      = var.min_size
  max_size      = var.max_size
  desired_size  = var.desired_size
  key_name      = aws_key_pair.this.key_name
  subnet_ids = module.vpc.public_subnets
  disk_size     = 60
  instance_type = var.instance_type
  bootstrap_extra_args = "--kubelet-extra-args '--max-pods=110'"

  pre_bootstrap_user_data = <<-EOT
  export CONTAINER_RUNTIME="containerd"
  export USE_MAX_PODS=false

  post_bootstrap_user_data = <<-EOT
  echo "you are free little kubelet!"

  launch_template_name            = var.name
  launch_template_use_name_prefix = true
  launch_template_description     = "Self managed node group example launch template"

  ebs_optimized          = true
  vpc_security_group_ids = [aws_security_group.additional.id]
  enable_monitoring      = var.enable_monitoring

  metadata_options = {
    http_endpoint               = "enabled"
    http_tokens                 = "required"
    http_put_response_hop_limit = 2
    instance_metadata_tags      = "disabled"

  capacity_reservation_specification = {
    capacity_reservation_target = {
      capacity_reservation_id = aws_ec2_capacity_reservation.targeted.id

  create_iam_role          = true
  iam_role_name            = "self-managed-node-group-complete-example"
  iam_role_use_name_prefix = false
  iam_role_description     = "Self managed node group complete example role"
  iam_role_tags = {
    Purpose = "Protector of the kubelet"
  iam_role_additional_policies = [

  create_security_group          = true
  security_group_name            = "self-managed-node-group-complete-example"
  security_group_use_name_prefix = false
  security_group_description     = "Self managed node group complete example security group"
  security_group_rules = {
    phoneOut = {
      description = "Hello CloudFlare"
      protocol    = "udp"
      from_port   = 53
      to_port     = 53
      type        = "egress"
      cidr_blocks = [""]
phoneHome = {
      description                   = "Hello cluster"
      protocol                      = "udp"
      from_port                     = 53
      to_port                       = 53
      type                          = "egress"
      source_cluster_security_group = true # bit of reflection lookup
  security_group_tags = {
    Purpose = "Protector of the kubelet"

  timeouts = {
    create = "80m"
    update = "80m"
    delete = "80m"

  tags = {
    ExtraTag = "Self managed node group complete example"

} aws_auth_roles = var.aws_auth_roles aws_auth_users = var.aws_auth_users aws_auth_accounts = var.aws_auth_accounts tags = local.tags }


Supporting Resources


module "vpc" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws" version = "~> 3.0"

name = local.name cidr = "" azs = data.aws_availability_zones.available.names

azs = ["${local.region}a", "${local.region}b", "${local.region}c"]

private_subnets = ["", "", ""] public_subnets = ["", "", ""]

enable_nat_gateway = true single_nat_gateway = true enable_dns_hostnames = true

enable_flow_log = true create_flow_log_cloudwatch_iam_role = true create_flow_log_cloudwatch_log_group = true

public_subnet_tags = { "kubernetes.io/cluster/${local.name}" = "shared" "kubernetes.io/role/elb" = 1 }

private_subnet_tags = { "kubernetes.io/cluster/${local.name}" = "shared" "kubernetes.io/role/internal-elb" = 1 }

tags = local.tags }

resource "aws_security_group" "additional" { name_prefix = "${local.name}-additional" vpc_id = module.vpc.vpc_id

ingress { from_port = 22 to_port = 22 protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = [ "", "", "", ] }

tags = local.tags }

resource "aws_kms_key" "eks" { description = "EKS Secret Encryption Key" deletion_window_in_days = 7 enable_key_rotation = true

tags = local.tags }

data "aws_ami" "eks_default" { most_recent = true owners = ["amazon"]

filter { name = "name" values = ["amazon-eks-node-${local.cluster_version}-v*"] } }

data "aws_ami" "eks_default_bottlerocket" { most_recent = true owners = ["amazon"]

filter { name = "name" values = ["bottlerocket-aws-k8s-${local.cluster_version}-x86_64-*"] } }

resource "tls_private_key" "this" { algorithm = "RSA" }

resource "aws_key_pair" "this" { key_name = local.name public_key = tls_private_key.this.public_key_openssh }

resource "aws_kms_key" "ebs" { description = "Customer managed key to encrypt self managed node group volumes" deletion_window_in_days = 7 policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.ebs.json }

resource "aws_ec2_capacity_reservation" "targeted" { instance_type = var.instance_type instance_platform = "Linux/UNIX"

availability_zone = data.aws_availability_zones.available.names

availability_zone = "${local.region}a" instance_count = 1 instance_match_criteria = "targeted" }

This policy is required for the KMS key used for EKS root volumes, so the cluster is allowed to enc/dec/attach encrypted EBS volumes

data "aws_iam_policy_document" "ebs" {

Copy of default KMS policy that lets you manage it

statement { sid = "Enable IAM User Permissions" actions = ["kms:"] resources = [""]

principals {
  type        = "AWS"
  identifiers = ["arn:aws:iam::${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}:root"]


Required for EKS

statement { sid = "Allow service-linked role use of the CMK" actions = [ "kms:Encrypt", "kms:Decrypt", "kms:ReEncrypt", "kms:GenerateDataKey", "kms:DescribeKey" ] resources = ["*"]

principals {
  type = "AWS"
  identifiers = [
    "arn:aws:iam::${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}:role/aws-service-role/autoscaling.amazonaws.com/AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling", # required for the ASG to manage encrypted volumes for nodes
    module.eks.cluster_iam_role_arn,                                                                                                            # required for the cluster / persistentvolume-controller to create encrypted PVCs


statement { sid = "Allow attachment of persistent resources" actions = ["kms:CreateGrant"] resources = ["*"]

principals {
  type = "AWS"
  identifiers = [
    "arn:aws:iam::${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}:role/aws-service-role/autoscaling.amazonaws.com/AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling", # required for the ASG to manage encrypted volumes for nodes
    module.eks.cluster_iam_role_arn,                                                                                                            # required for the cluster / persistentvolume-controller to create encrypted PVCs

condition {
  test     = "Bool"
  variable = "kms:GrantIsForAWSResource"
  values   = ["true"]

} }

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
terraform init
terraform apply

## Additional context


module.eks.module.self_managed_node_group["workers"].aws_autoscaling_group.this[0]: Still creating... [9m30s elapsed] module.eks.module.self_managed_node_group["workers"].aws_autoscaling_group.this[0]: Still creating... [9m40s elapsed] module.eks.module.self_managed_node_group["workers"].aws_autoscaling_group.this[0]: Still creating... [9m50s elapsed] module.eks.module.self_managed_node_group["workers"].aws_autoscaling_group.this[0]: Still creating... [10m0s elapsed] β•· β”‚ Error: "api-demo-20220420151848941900000001": Waiting up to 10m0s: Need at least 3 healthy instances in ASG, have 0. Most recent activity: { β”‚ ActivityId: "3586011e-5ae9-5faa-f317-f8f88b756be8", β”‚ AutoScalingGroupARN: "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-east-2:474660338267:autoScalingGroup:5a19719d-622f-4c40-a3f6-ac7ec0ed1539:autoScalingGroupName/api-demo-20220420151848941900000001", β”‚ AutoScalingGroupName: "api-demo-20220420151848941900000001", β”‚ Cause: "At 2022-04-20T15:28:19Z an instance was started in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, increasing the capacity from 0 to 3.", β”‚ Description: "Launching a new EC2 instance. Status Reason: The requested configuration is currently not supported. Please check the documentation for supported configurations. Launching EC2 instance failed.", β”‚ Details: "{\"Subnet ID\":\"subnet-077c67e52e59e237d\",\"Availability Zone\":\"us-east-2a\"}", β”‚ EndTime: 2022-04-20 15:28:22 +0000 UTC, β”‚ Progress: 100, β”‚ StartTime: 2022-04-20 15:28:22.103 +0000 UTC, β”‚ StatusCode: "Failed", β”‚ StatusMessage: "The requested configuration is currently not supported. Please check the documentation for supported configurations. Launching EC2 instance failed." β”‚ } β”‚ β”‚ with module.eks.module.self_managed_node_group["workers"].aws_autoscaling_group.this[0], β”‚ on terraform-aws-eks/modules/self-managed-node-group/main.tf line 265, in resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "this": β”‚ 265: resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "this" {

allanian commented 2 years ago

issue was solved with changed instance type to t3.large, thx all.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

I'm going to lock this issue because it has been closed for 30 days ⏳. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues. If you have found a problem that seems similar to this, please open a new issue and complete the issue template so we can capture all the details necessary to investigate further.