terraform-aws-modules / terraform-aws-eks

Terraform module to create Amazon Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) resources πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
Apache License 2.0
4.39k stars 4.04k forks source link

Is the complexity of this module getting too high? #635

Closed max-rocket-internet closed 3 years ago

max-rocket-internet commented 4 years ago

A general question for users and contributors of this module πŸ™‚

My feeling is that complexity getting too high and quality is suffering somewhat. We are squeezing a lot of features in a single module. This is by far the most complex module in the Terraform AWS modules org. But perhaps I just feel the pressure since I'm a maintainer?

Some recent examples:

And now:

The amount of new resources being added to this module is just getting higher. And I don't see this slowing down as AWS is doubling down on EKS, as is everyone on k8s in general.

Don't get me wrong, these are all awesome contributions πŸ’™ but I feel there's a price here. On every new release there's always bunch of new issues related to the recent changes.

Let me know your thoughts πŸ˜ƒ

RothAndrew commented 4 years ago

Yep. I've felt this way for quite a while now. And it's already too late. Too many new "features" have been added without letting things settle down and stabilize.

And, it's not fair to you as the maintainer, or to me as the user trying to run this thing in production. I'm cringing right now thinking about upgrading my prod cluster to v7.x. There's just no way I can reasonably safely do it.

IMO: deprecate this module and make several smaller, focused ones. Think long and hard about each new addition. Solicit feedback from multiple sources before leaping into a new feature. Even if somebody shows up with a PR with it all done if it ups the complexity of the module that should be considered carefully.

Another idea I have is to stop trying to support windows. There are unfortunately instances where a local_exec needs to run, and lots of complexity has been added trying to support windows alongside *nix. Instead, we can say "this is supported by linux (and probably mac). If you are on Windows, here is instructions on how to run this thing in a docker container.

RothAndrew commented 4 years ago

Examples of smaller, focused modules:

  1. Worker group module, separate from the main module(s)
  2. Main EKS Cluster module
  3. Fargate k8s module
RothAndrew commented 4 years ago

At a bare minimum, documentation should be added for each new feature. On top of just adding the new params in the table. But I don't think that's going far enough to solve the predicament this module is already in.

alaa commented 4 years ago

I agree with ditching the support for windows as local_exec is required sometimes. and every new feature should have its own documentation, params, examples, and switch flag.

kamirendawkins commented 4 years ago

First, thank you @max-rocket-internet for maintaining this module for everyone.

As far as complexity I would agree this module is certainly complex but I would not expect much less when trying to maintain both halves of a managed Kubernetes Cluster. It is also very reasonable to assume it will only get more complex based on the AWS roadmap.

As for paths forward I agree with @RothAndrew and @alaa in regards to documentation and dropping windows support for now.

As for the module itself, I would hate to see this module depreciated after seeing it come this far. It would be better in my opinion to determine the direction it should go and instead work towards that as a community. It certainly does make sense to shard the module out in a way but unfortunately no matter how you look at it they will always be co-dependent on one another. I struggle to visualize a world where I would use an eks-fargate module without using eks-cluster along side it. That being said separating cluster configuration from worker configuration by means of a sub module may be a more manageable way to handle feature creep.

To add to this, if there is any way I as an individual can lend a hand I would certainly love to be more involved.

dpiddockcmp commented 4 years ago

I'm going to voice the other side of the no-Windows argument: local-exec should be banned from within the module now that's its gone:

Maybe splitting up in to sub modules would isolate some of the complexity rather than running as a single flat layer? Similar to how the RDS module is designed. Upgrade paths will be painful to get to that state, of course. And the aws-auth map will always add complexity for submodules that create workers.

Submodules could either be directly used by the top level as required (RDS style) or as version linked partner modules that users include as necessary, similar to how security-group works. Would need much documenting and examples in the second use case though due to aws-auth.

I think trying to coordinate stand-alone intertwined modules will be a maintenance and user nightmare. But it's not something I've tried.

Burning the module and starting again will present its own problems. There will still need to be some upgrade path for users who used this module. aws_eks_cluster is not a flexible resource. The master IAM role name is an example of something people wanted to change but existing users are locked in to.

Could something be done to increase release velocity? But without swamping Max with administrative tasks?

max-rocket-internet commented 4 years ago

Burning the module and starting again will present its own problems

I would hate to see this module depreciated after seeing it come this far

To be clear, I'm not thinking we should do either of these, I was just thinking perhaps we could restructure or split parts of it πŸ™‚

RothAndrew commented 4 years ago

Another suggestion: start rejecting PRs that want to introduce breaking changes that aren't providing great documentation on how to upgrade and preferably automated migration.

deanrock commented 4 years ago

Splitting it up into submodules like RDS does seems like a really good idea. However, unless Terraform supports easy migration of resources that I don't know of, it seems like this would require a significant effort to migrate existing projects to the new version of the module. 😞

Even if it gets split, some PRs, such as #555 and #580, would require similar changes as they did now, since they affect multiple modules.

At the moment, I'm really interested in IRSA and Fargate support, since we currently resort to specifying those resources outside of the module. Maybe we can start with adding those two as a separate submodules? They don't depend on much apart from eks instance.

If I can help with getting these features merged (e.g. help with splitting, writing examples), please let me know.

peterloron commented 4 years ago

While refactoring projects because the eks module changes (or goes away) will be a pain for those who depend on it, the module should not be held prisoner by it. A possible path: deprecate the current module, and fix only security and critical functionality problems. Create new module(s) which break up the parts (eks, node groups, etc). This will avoid breaking existing users, but will make a cleaner path forward. Existing users can pick when they spend the time to switch to the new hotness.

nauxliu commented 4 years ago

Deprecate this module will be a nightmare for existing users, I can't imagine i need to delete current clusters then recreate them using new modules or import all resources to new modules.I'll feel less pain if we could continue to maintain this module and deprecate and move features to smaller modules gradually.

max-rocket-internet commented 4 years ago

OK here's my thoughts...

IMO: deprecate this module and make several smaller, focused ones.

This was my initial thought also.

Solicit feedback from multiple sources before leaping into a new feature. Even if somebody shows up with a PR with it all done if it ups the complexity of the module that should be considered carefully.

I like this idea but there's no one to do it apart from maintainers. People want their PRs merged but they rarely want to review other PRs (apart from @dpiddockcmp)

I agree with ditching the support for windows

Cool. I think so too. But this only solves local_exec issues AFAIK.

Maybe splitting up in to sub modules would isolate some of the complexity rather than running as a single flat layer?

Yes. I was thinking perhaps modules for:

I think trying to coordinate stand-alone intertwined modules will be a maintenance and user nightmare

I think so too. I don't have enough time for this module let alone a bunch of others.

Could something be done to increase release velocity? But without swamping Max with administrative tasks?

We need more maintainers. It's as simple as that. I have less time these days.

Another suggestion: start rejecting PRs that want to introduce breaking changes that aren't providing great documentation

That's a great idea.

At the moment, I'm really interested in IRSA and Fargate support, since we currently resort to specifying those resources outside of the module.

Sure but AFAIK IRSA is only a single resource? https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-eks/pull/632/files

Maybe we can start with adding those two as a separate submodules?

@antonbabenko please chime in. I think we should consider creating some new modules to split out some of the functionality of this module. Personally I think separate github repos but not really up to me.

antonbabenko commented 4 years ago

Here are my 5 cents, though I have not used or followed the development of this module closely for some time - I feel that everyone who commented on this page is already on the same page (lol).

The complexity of this repository is large but still controllable because of the good patterns used here. Good job, everyone!

I don't think that splitting this module into submodules or separate repos for Fargate, Managed Nodes Group, Normal Worker Groups, etc will give any benefits to users and maintainers who will have to manage similar EKS-related-things in multiple places.

I also don't think we need to add more maintainers, because most of the time is usually spent on answering issues and triaging bugs, and this can be done by anyone. Adding more people will not increase velocity, but releasing more often (after every PR is merged) will.

If there is not an obvious feature, consider adding examples show-casing it. Same for bugs if they keep reoccurring.

barryib commented 4 years ago

To me this module is quite complex, but it's still maintainable and readable.

I'm not against splitting this module into submodules, but I'm against any kind of code duplication and the really annoying migration path. Furthermore, I'm not really confident this will help.

Thinking out loud, I would say we have a lack of automated tests which can tell us easily if a new feature introduce bugs or regressions. If a change breaks something. Features will came quickly as kubernetes and EKS are evolving really fast, and people will always want to get those feature as quick as possible. There is no way to do that without automation. I know it's a long way to go, and I don't really know how we can achieve that goal with free resources, but I think it's worth digging a little deeper to get confident on changes we make on this module.

max-rocket-internet commented 4 years ago

I also don't think we need to add more maintainers, because most of the time is usually spent on answering issues and triaging bugs

I don't spend much time on issues these days. I will also have less time in the future.

Thinking out loud, I would say we have a lack of automated tests

Very true. Hard to achieve without spending money though.

We now have 4 ways of creating workers:

  1. Worker groups with LC
  2. Work groups with LT
  3. Managed node groups
  4. Fargate https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-eks/pull/634

I think 1 and 2 can be merged now with TF 0.12. But 3 and 4 are very different, perhaps they could be put into modules/xx and then examples added for how to use them? This then reduces the complexity in all the complicated conditions around cluster creation, iam roles etc.

osterman commented 4 years ago

I think in a healthy ecosystem there can be multiple good ways of doing it. I think much of the success of the terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-eks module is due to its ability to get a user up and running quickly, plus it's packed with features. Someone brought up how changing this now could be rather disruptive to a large number of users and I agree.

Fwiw, we took the alternative approach presented in this ticket:

I think this approach lends itself to those who want more control over the architecture of the kubernetes cluster itself. We've also wired it up with terratest because we also struggled to validate user-contributed changes (PRs) fast enough. The downside is that it requires the user to have more of an opinion on what the architecture should look like.

For our use-case, the approach has worked well because it allows for any combination of node pools in pretty much any possible configuration, without increasing complexity and the risk of regressions. I think soon we'll be adding support for SpotInst ocean node pools as well, as we've had good success using that with kops.

TBeijen commented 4 years ago

A lot has already been mentioned.

I think a lot of the complexity boils down to the increasing number of possible ways to create worker nodes, that all share the same underlying code.

Also from a user-perspective it becomes increasingly hard to determine what can be defined in workers_group_defaults, what workers_group_defaults options are supported by the various ways to create workers, etc.

Separating out the 4 current ways to create workers into separate submodules would I think help maintainability without needing to alienate current user-base:

max-rocket-internet commented 4 years ago

Splitting into some sub modules seems like a popular idea in this issue so how about this plan?

To do now

  1. Managed node groups (MNGs) are new, not in any release and currently has a few bugs in master. Let's move all of this into a submodule (in this repo) and update the example.
  2. Fargate can follow the same idea and go into a submodule.

This will move any complexity from MNGs and Fargate out of the core of this module and doesn't break any backwards compatibility.

To do soon

Then perhaps later down the line we could move LC/LT worker groups into a separate module if it looks like a good idea.

TBeijen commented 4 years ago

@max-rocket-internet Sounds like a plan.

At least something to start exploring. Start and see what challenges we run into. Having actual code to evaluate.

E.g. managing aws-auth might be a 'thing' as generated roles are no longer in the core. So perhaps managing aws-auth should be extracted to.

eytanhanig commented 4 years ago

Another suggestion: start rejecting PRs that want to introduce breaking changes that aren't providing great documentation on how to upgrade and preferably automated migration.

I've noticed a significant build up of non-breaking changes and new features under [v8.?.?] - 2019-??-??] in the changelog. IMO we should strive to release these as part of a minor increment so that they are (1) available earlier and (2) can be used by developers who aren't ready to deal with all the unrelated breaking changes.

t5unamie commented 4 years ago

I agree an think it has become to complex.

Breaking the module apart and allowing for smaller modules focusing on different parts is ideal.

I have been for example reviewing how to add an IAM policy to workers.

thanks for the hardwork.

eytanhanig commented 4 years ago

I'd strongly urge that we not break node groups into a child module. Submodules are great for keeping your code DRY when you need to do the same thing multiple times, however when only called once they have the opposite effect and actually increase code duplication.

Turning node groups into a submodule is a great example of this: You still have all the code that would otherwise be in node_groups.tf, plus duplicate code for outputs.tf and variables.tf, plus the extra code for calling the submodule itself. This would be a very different case if Terraform allowed for_each loops and count when calling submodules, however unfortunately they are very much second-class citizens in Terraform 0.12.

The complexity of this module is generally proportional to the complexity of AWS' Kubernetes implementation. The reason we've accommodated four ways of creating worker nodes is because AWS offers four ways to do so, with significant inconsistencies between them. IMO a huge part of this module's value is that it can reduce these inconsistencies by abstracting away complexity such as how eks node groups use the remote_access block instead of just using key_name like in launch configurations.

I'd like to propose sane defaults as alternative solution for reducing complexity. It's important to think through if a feature addresses an actual use case, for example:

RothAndrew commented 4 years ago

Another suggestion: start rejecting PRs that want to introduce breaking changes that aren't providing great documentation on how to upgrade and preferably automated migration.

I've noticed a significant build up of non-breaking changes and new features under [v8.?.?] - 2019-??-??] in the changelog. IMO we should strive to release these as part of a minor increment so that they are (1) available earlier and (2) can be used by developers who aren't ready to deal with all the unrelated breaking changes.

Sounds like there are 2 things here that can be done:

  1. Stop or Limit the frequency of breaking changes
  2. Release non-breaking changes more frequently

What is a breaking change?

Google has a good guide for their API that we could use. What's our version?

Backwards-compatible (non-breaking) changes

Backwards-incompatible (breaking) changes

Stop or Limit the frequency of breaking changes

This module is the Terraform equivalent of an API, but it releases breaking changes as if it were still in beta. Compare it to the VPC module which stayed on 1.X for almost 2 years, and only went to 2.X when it went to Terraform v0.12 support.

Suggestion: Stop accepting breaking changes from public PRs. Instead, set up a regular major version release cadence of X months, and solicit feedback from the community on what breaking changes might be necessary. Then decide what makes it in the next major release, implement the changes (yourself or by soliciting PRs to a feature branch instead of master), create a solid migration guide, create an automated migrator tool if possible

Release non-breaking changes more frequently

One of the principles of DevOps is improving flow by reducing batch size. Make releases as small as possible by releasing non-breaking changes (minor or patch releases) as frequently as possible. If a PR adds a new feature and it is complete, well documented, doesn't have breaking changes, and is generally "ready to go", there's really no reason to not immediately do a release.

Doing very small, very frequent releases provides a number of advantages:

  1. Reduces per-release complexity, which makes people upgrading more confident that they can do so safely and quickly
  2. Get feedback sooner on new features
  3. If a release causes a bug, you can revert the release without lots of collateral damage
dpiddockcmp commented 4 years ago
* Are all four ways to launch worker nodes actually necessary?

Currently, yes, we need all 4 😞

* Under what use cases would a user want `manage_aws_auth = false`?

You have to be able to dial in to the cluster in order to manage the aws-auth file. What if you want a fully private cluster? You need to somehow get your Terraform to run on a network that has access to that private endpoint.

In released versions it also meant a call out to kubectl and a shell environment. This was difficult for Windows users. I believe it's also really difficult for users in Terraform Cloud but I haven't tried myself.

Plus long running issues with AWS API returning "READY" before the endpoint was actually ready to receive requests. Maybe someone running a lot of startup and shutdown automated tests gave up and split their creation process in two?

* How often will people use EKS but _not_ want the ability to assign IAM roles to pods, which is what IRSA allows?

Anything to do with IAM is always a tricky issue. Some corporate environments run with very restrictive policies and CI or devs do not have the ability to create IAM roles or policies. Creation of IAM resources is on a toggle because users have requested it. Creation of the OIDC provider needs to be optional for the same reason.

max-rocket-internet commented 4 years ago

I've noticed a significant build up of non-breaking changes and new features under [v8.?.?] - 2019-??-??] in the changelog. IMO we should strive to release these as part of a minor increment

Releases need to be more frequent. I think we can all agree on that.

Turning node groups into a submodule is a great example of this: You still have all the code that would otherwise be in node_groups.tf, plus duplicate code for outputs.tf and variables.tf, plus the extra code for calling the submodule itself

I'm happy to sacrifice DRY for simplicity in this case. For example, managed node groups (MNGs) are getting a lot of attention now but all the code is mixed up with all the logic/maps/merging/defaults/IAM/etc of the normal worker group stuff. If we can move it to a submodule, then we can merge 10 PRs related to MNGs without worrying about impacting the core of the module. And same for the coming fargate stuff. At least this is how it looks in my head πŸ˜ƒ

Are all four ways to launch worker nodes actually necessary?

Yes 100%

Under what use cases would a user want manage_aws_auth = false?

When a user has another tool for managing k8s resources. Like Helm, Kustomize, etc

Release non-breaking changes more frequently

Yes, 100% agree.

Compare it to the VPC module which stayed on 1.X for almost 2 years, and only went to 2.X when it went to Terraform v0.12 support.

It's optimistic to compare the complexity of these 2 modules and speed of innovation in their respective areas but in principle I agree with you for sure.

Suggestion: Stop accepting breaking changes from public PRs

I think this will be hard given the current rate of change in the k8s/EKS area?

colijack commented 4 years ago

First off thanks for your work on the project, and for being open to feedback. Given that here's my 2cents as a user of the module.

First off in terms of breaking changes, personally I am not overly worried about changes to your API. They aren't ideal but the surface area isn’t huge and if they are well documented and communicated then they are easy enough to deal with (unless you're removing functionality).

However I do care a lot about things like:

Right now my experience using the module isn't great in terms of the aspects I just listed, and obviously lack of predictability in terms of IaC is a bit worrying.

In terms of breaking the module up, as a user I don't have a strong view as long as there is an upgrade path. I'm not convinced it will necessarily fix any quality issues though, which brings me onto the slightly worrying talk about a lack of automated testing.

I don't see how you can safely maintain a complex module without good automated tests, and restructuring one without automated tests sounds like a recipe for disaster. I thus wonder if that's somewhere that needs some attention?

Also I am surprised at the talk of dropping Windows support. As (currently) a Windows user that seems like it might be a mistake, I realise I could run the module in a container but that definitely adds friction.

aeugenio commented 4 years ago

i agree on several points:

-thanks and appreciation for this community-driven module
-better documentation for breaking changes
-splitting into smaller modules

due to some of what i described in #476, i ended up forking this module and then splitting into our own eks-control-plane and eks-worker-groups modules. after using them for a few months, i can say i prefer being able to control the two parts of the cluster independently (aka diff tf states). the plan was to keep up-to-date with this module as much as possible so i could pick up changes i want like using the kube provider, but it's hard when there is so much packed in (especially stuff i'm really not interested in).

in any case, this module has been incredibly valuable to our team. i gotta find time to get our two modules into a state that i can share.

colijack commented 4 years ago

@aeugenio Depending on how things go it'd be nice to have alternatives to consider so I wondered if you see your extracted modules as being projects that will be actively maintained going forward?

TarekAS commented 4 years ago

Once managed spot nodegroups are available, would a "lite" version of this module without ASGs and Launch Templates/Launch Configs be simpler?

barryib commented 4 years ago

Reopening this issue. We're still far away from the target.

stale[bot] commented 4 years ago

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brandonjbjelland commented 4 years ago

I haven't read all the comments yet but I agree with the core sentiment @max-rocket-internet . It's a part of why I've largely walked away from the project - there needs to be hard bounds around keeping modules simple, to the point, and guided by a design north star. In reality, that means saying no to a lot of feature requests and issues but that leaves people upset. It's a lose-lose proposition from a maintainer's point of view and eventually the consumers of a bloated module suffer just the same. There's no silver bullet here - this module is wildly successful but also a monstrosity. Largely to the credit of folks here, the issue count and open PR count remain within reason. πŸ‘ Maybe this is the the best possible outcome given the tools we have to work with.

I should note, the effort to split into several submodules is laudable and potentially helpful if done well, but I've also seen it get out of control over the past couple years at GCP. I want everyone here to keep in mind Hashicorp's core advice here:

We do not recommend writing modules that are just thin wrappers around single other resource types. If you have trouble finding a name for your module that isn't the same as the main resource type inside it, that may be a sign that your module is not creating any new abstraction and so the module is adding unnecessary complexity. Just use the resource type directly in the calling module instead.

This is critical and I think it's somewhat unfortunate that it leaves so much room for interpretation. My interpretation is that submodules fall in this same camp. That is: don't wrap a single resource in a submodule. Every module/submodule of this sort equates to:

  1. more code to maintain with
  2. less clarity around the interface and
  3. less flexibility (this is mostly resolved in the tf 0.13.x featureset)

Feel free to disagree, but I see such modules as a net-loss on all counts. Similarly, modules that really just act as a giant switch between one of many singular resources, amount to the same. The caller maintains the same amount of code they would have spent on the raw resource + they take on a dependency - with all sorts of versioning stumbling blocks - for no practical benefit.

Echoing a thought by @barryib - I still think testing is largely under utilized in the IaC space and a way to give contributors better confidence around changes in an unwieldy, complex, publically shared IaC codebase. Testing doesn't seem to have great uptake in these circles but I've seen it help elsewhere in this same IaC space. It deserves more thought here.

Again, appreciating the efforts here. ❀️ Try to avoid falling in these pitfalls as the project moves forward. Major releasing our way to something better just has to happen occasionally. I largely take responsibility for the flat nature of the module (if you can't tell πŸ˜† ) and stand by that design πŸ’₯ . I think the other side of the coin is having a sense of when to split off dedicated modules of unique flavors, duplicating some parts of the codebase, and having a strategy for managing the maintenance that brings. This project may have passed that junction a few times but it's still a viable way to consider restructuring now (as submodules or distinct repos).

DWSR commented 4 years ago

A few thoughts as a (very) minor contributor with an interest in the future of this module:

jurgenweber commented 3 years ago

With the release of Launch Template support for Managed Node Groups, it's reasonable IMO to drop support for self-managed worker ASGs and support exclusively MNGs (with eventual support for Fargate).

yeah, nah.... MNG's are terrible and limited.

ImIOImI commented 3 years ago

Thanks guys for all your work. As a consumer of this module I can say that I'll work through whatever path you guys decide. My clusters are completely disposable (thanks largely to your efforts) and I'll just spin up new clusters, migrate workloads and terminate my old ones regardless of how you want to proceed. As a side note, I upgraded to Terraform 0.13, pulled master yesterday and spun up a new sandbox cluster no changes to anything but local code.

sc250024 commented 3 years ago

With the release of Launch Template support for Managed Node Groups, it's reasonable IMO to drop support for self-managed worker ASGs and support exclusively MNGs (with eventual support for Fargate).

yeah, nah.... MNG's are terrible and limited.

Agreed. I just ran into the very awkward issue that you can't attach existing security groups onto worker nodes managed by the aws_eks_node_group resource. The remote_access block only allows you to specify ingress security groups, but you can't attach any arbitrary security group to the worker nodes.

The only way around this is to use the new launch_template block. But if I have to create the whole launch template (including the ami, user_data block, and everything else) then it's not very "managed" at that point.

sc250024 commented 3 years ago

@max-rocket-internet @antonbabenko @barryib @dpiddockcmp I just opened https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-eks/issues/1031, and now I'm wondering what the decision was on this issue?

Perhaps we should have a virtual meet to discuss this? I don't mind splitting this into more than one module, and even happy to do the initial work since I have to do it for my work anyway.

Are we going the route of splitting the modules like so?

cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-cluster takes care of the master setup
cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-workers will provision an ASG with EC2 nodes
cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-node-group provisions a managed node pool
cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-fargate-profile adds fargate support
barryib commented 3 years ago

@sc250024 yep. We've already got node-groups and fargate submodules.

There is an ongoing PR https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-eks/pull/858 for worker groups which will introduce a huge breaking change.

Also, there is a terraform-aws-module office hour on November 6th, 15-16:00 CET (9-10am, EST). We can probably discuss there if there is time left.

Here is more info about the upcoming Office Hours: Date: November 6th, 15-16:00 CET (9-10am, EST).

Link to zoom (if you want to discuss something from the agenda, see below) - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82195026969?pwd=WWNJaW4wQjZuTTlqWWUwVWZzUmJMUT09

Link to YouTube live stream (if you want to just listen and write in chat) - https://youtu.be/RXwYBI-IWw4

This call will be public for everyone to attend via zoom (all of us) and to watch live on YouTube.


  1. Offload linting/pre-commit from PR via GH Actions (@bryantbiggs )
  2. What to do with git-chglog which is a dead project? How can we replace it easily with something more powerful (eg, release-drafter looks promising)?
  3. Terraform 0.13. Can we rely on 0.13 features now and drop 0.11 completely?
  4. Q&A from the participants
trallnag commented 3 years ago

I feel like big modules like this one here would benefit from being implemented with something like Pulumi (once it fully matures)

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