terraform-google-modules / terraform-example-foundation

Shows how the CFT modules can be composed to build a secure cloud foundation
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Reading of groups fails on pipeline #1206

Open RaicuRobert opened 2 months ago

RaicuRobert commented 2 months ago


Locally, terraform init/plan/apply works flawlessly.

When using GithubActions, the pipeline fails with:

Error: Error when reading or editing CloudIdentityGroup "groups/123456": googleapi: Error 403: Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/123456 (or it may not exist).
    "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ResourceInfo",
    "description": "Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/123456 (or it may not exist).",
    "owner": "domain:cloudidentity.googleapis.com",
    "resourceName": "groups/123456",
    "resourceType": "cloudidentity.googleapis.com/Group"

Expected behavior

For the pipeline to finish successfully

Observed behavior

No response

Terraform Configuration

org_id = "123456" # format "000000000000"

billing_account = "123-456-789" # format "000000-000000-000000"

groups = {
  create_required_groups = true 
  create_optional_groups = true 
  billing_project        = "default-billing-project-123456" 
  required_groups = {
    group_org_admins           = "gcp-organization-admins@example.com"
    group_billing_admins       = "gcp-billing-admins@example.com"
    billing_data_users         = "gcp-billing-data@example.com"
    audit_data_users           = "gcp-audit-data@example.com"
    monitoring_workspace_users = "gcp-monitoring-workspace@example.com"
  optional_groups = {
    gcp_security_reviewer      = "gcp_security_reviewer_local_test@example.com"
    gcp_network_viewer         = "gcp_network_viewer_local_test@example.com"
    gcp_scc_admin              = "gcp_scc_admin_local_test@example.com"
    gcp_global_secrets_admin   = "gcp_global_secrets_admin_local_test@example.com"
    gcp_kms_admin              = "gcp_kms_admin_local_test@example.com"

default_region = "europe-west1"

 gh_repos = {
     owner        = "ARepo",
     bootstrap    = "GCP-BOOTSTRAP",
     organization = "GCP-ORG",
     environments = "GCP-ENV",
     networks     = "GCP-NET",
     projects     = "GCP-PROJ",

Terraform Version

terraform_version: 1.3

Additional information

No response

fmichaelobrien commented 2 months ago

Robert, good catch. I can confirm that I have seen the same issue periodically in 0-bootstrap. It looks to be an eventually consistent issue with the API. If the error persists then the tfvars may not be set correctly or came in unreferenced.

Error: Error when reading or editing CloudIdentityGroup "groups/035nkun24jo9ze2": googleapi: Error 403: Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/035nkun24jo9ze2 (or it may not exist).
    "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ResourceInfo",
    "description": "Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/035nkun24jo9ze2 (or it may not exist).",
    "owner": "domain:cloudidentity.googleapis.com",
    "resourceName": "groups/035nkun24jo9ze2",
    "resourceType": "cloudidentity.googleapis.com/Group"

in one of my last runs to 5-app-infra in the fork https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/pbmm-on-gcp-onboarding/issues/360#issuecomment-2045934815

Q1) I have a question, is your example obfuscated with 12345 or did you run with the defaults - as you should be seeing a generated group id like " groups/035nkun24jo9ze2 " not "groups/12345" - this would be a tfvars issue - I ask this because the example in your comment is all defaults for example.org, the billing id, org etc... for example in the cicd tf plan

domains_to_allow = ["obrienlabs.xyz"]
essential_contacts_domains_to_allow = ["@obrienlabs.xyz"]
billing_data_users = "gcp-billing-data-users@obrienlabs.xyz"
audit_data_users = "gcp-security-admins@obrienlabs.xyz"
RaicuRobert commented 2 months ago

Sorry, I did not mention a few things.

I did obfuscate the logs, domains and other numbers. And this is step 0-bootstrap.

Everything is already set up from the gcloud cli, both the seed and gh projects exist in gcloud and all groups were created automatically.

On step 30 https://github.com/terraform-google-modules/terraform-example-foundation/blob/master/0-bootstrap/README-GitHub.md the pipeline fails.

I have run the pipelines over 20 times trying different extra roles for the service accounts and activating could identity on the two projects but with no success.

Locally, I do not have any issue running terraform plan

RaicuRobert commented 2 months ago

I also set up a separate landing zone before this where I created the groups manually and did not encounter this issue

Somewhere there is a permission issue because it does not make sense for it to be an eventual consistency one.

Why would "plan" and even "apply" work locally but not in the pipeline?

Something with the service account/group that the pipeline uses is not right. That is my assumption.

Did you change any additional roles/enabled apis in your run in bootstrap?

RaicuRobert commented 2 months ago

Rest api works fine too if I want to get the details of the groups manually https://cloud.google.com/identity/docs/reference/rest/v1beta1/groups/get

RaicuRobert commented 2 months ago

I have a lot of errors for "google.apps.cloudidentity.groups.v1beta1.GroupsService.GetGroup" but I have no idea how to see logs for them

arnodel commented 2 months ago

FTR we had the same problem last week.

What we found was that groups created by an organization member were not accessible to the bootstrap service account. But if the service account creates the groups itself then it's all fine.

During local boostrap the groups were created by a real user (a member of the organization), but when the plan was run by the service account (in github for us), the service account did not have permissions to read the groups. The workaround is to let the service account create the groups.

In details, from the state where the groups are already created and terraform plan fails in the pipeline:

  1. Set

    create_required_groups = false
    create_optional_groups = false

    in terraform.tfvars and run terraform apply locally with the initial user - the groups are then deleted.

  2. Set

    create_required_groups = true
    create_optional_groups = true

    And push this to version control. The bootstrap service account is now able to run terraform plan. Merging the PR, the bootstrap service account then creates the groups itself and that means it has access to it later on.

Perhaps this should be mentioned in the docs?


ipv1337 commented 1 month ago

Is anyone else using cloud build in 0-bootstrap step? I've got everything working up to #17 and then ran into an error with my plan on cloud build, whereas terraform plan locally works just fine. Here's the error that I get on cloud build in case anyone else has seen this:

Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Planning failed. Terraform encountered an error while generating this plan.
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Error: Error when reading or editing CloudIdentityGroup "groups/00zu0gcz2dpxs2u": googleapi: Error 403: Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/00zu0gcz2dpxs2u (or it may not exist).
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Details:
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": [
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ResourceInfo",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "description": "Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/00zu0gcz2dpxs2u (or it may not exist).",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "owner": "domain:cloudidentity.googleapis.com",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceName": "groups/00zu0gcz2dpxs2u",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceType": "cloudidentity.googleapis.com/Group"
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   }
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": ]
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   with module.optional_group["gcp_kms_admin"].google_cloud_identity_group.group,
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   on .terraform/modules/optional_group/main.tf line 35, in resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group":
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   35: resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group" {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Error: Error when reading or editing CloudIdentityGroup "groups/00kgcv8k4akx6t3": googleapi: Error 403: Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/00kgcv8k4akx6t3 (or it may not exist).
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Details:
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": [
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ResourceInfo",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "description": "Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/00kgcv8k4akx6t3 (or it may not exist).",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "owner": "domain:cloudidentity.googleapis.com",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceName": "groups/00kgcv8k4akx6t3",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceType": "cloudidentity.googleapis.com/Group"
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   }
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": ]
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   with module.optional_group["gcp_security_reviewer"].google_cloud_identity_group.group,
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   on .terraform/modules/optional_group/main.tf line 35, in resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group":
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   35: resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group" {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Error: Error when reading or editing CloudIdentityGroup "groups/00pkwqa10qthjkh": googleapi: Error 403: Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/00pkwqa10qthjkh (or it may not exist).
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Details:
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": [
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ResourceInfo",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "description": "Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/00pkwqa10qthjkh (or it may not exist).",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "owner": "domain:cloudidentity.googleapis.com",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceName": "groups/00pkwqa10qthjkh",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceType": "cloudidentity.googleapis.com/Group"
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   }
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": ]
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   with module.optional_group["gcp_global_secrets_admin"].google_cloud_identity_group.group,
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   on .terraform/modules/optional_group/main.tf line 35, in resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group":
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   35: resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group" {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Error: Error when reading or editing CloudIdentityGroup "groups/01baon6m2pzb14n": googleapi: Error 403: Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/01baon6m2pzb14n (or it may not exist).
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Details:
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": [
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ResourceInfo",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "description": "Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/01baon6m2pzb14n (or it may not exist).",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "owner": "domain:cloudidentity.googleapis.com",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceName": "groups/01baon6m2pzb14n",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceType": "cloudidentity.googleapis.com/Group"
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   }
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": ]
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   with module.optional_group["gcp_network_viewer"].google_cloud_identity_group.group,
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   on .terraform/modules/optional_group/main.tf line 35, in resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group":
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   35: resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group" {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Error: Error when reading or editing CloudIdentityGroup "groups/04bvk7pj1eoo079": googleapi: Error 403: Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/04bvk7pj1eoo079 (or it may not exist).
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Details:
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": [
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ResourceInfo",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "description": "Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/04bvk7pj1eoo079 (or it may not exist).",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "owner": "domain:cloudidentity.googleapis.com",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceName": "groups/04bvk7pj1eoo079",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceType": "cloudidentity.googleapis.com/Group"
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   }
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": ]
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   with module.optional_group["gcp_scc_admin"].google_cloud_identity_group.group,
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   on .terraform/modules/optional_group/main.tf line 35, in resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group":
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   35: resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group" {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Error: Error when reading or editing CloudIdentityGroup "groups/00kgcv8k3smnj1t": googleapi: Error 403: Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/00kgcv8k3smnj1t (or it may not exist).
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Details:
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": [
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ResourceInfo",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "description": "Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/00kgcv8k3smnj1t (or it may not exist).",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "owner": "domain:cloudidentity.googleapis.com",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceName": "groups/00kgcv8k3smnj1t",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceType": "cloudidentity.googleapis.com/Group"
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   }
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": ]
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   with module.required_group["monitoring_workspace_users"].google_cloud_identity_group.group,
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   on .terraform/modules/required_group/main.tf line 35, in resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group":
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   35: resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group" {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Error: Error when reading or editing CloudIdentityGroup "groups/03as4poj2puqggr": googleapi: Error 403: Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/03as4poj2puqggr (or it may not exist).
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Details:
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": [
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ResourceInfo",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "description": "Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/03as4poj2puqggr (or it may not exist).",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "owner": "domain:cloudidentity.googleapis.com",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceName": "groups/03as4poj2puqggr",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceType": "cloudidentity.googleapis.com/Group"
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   }
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": ]
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   with module.required_group["audit_data_users"].google_cloud_identity_group.group,
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   on .terraform/modules/required_group/main.tf line 35, in resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group":
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   35: resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group" {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Error: Error when reading or editing CloudIdentityGroup "groups/02pta16n3jhajnc": googleapi: Error 403: Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/02pta16n3jhajnc (or it may not exist).
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Details:
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": [
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ResourceInfo",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "description": "Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/02pta16n3jhajnc (or it may not exist).",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "owner": "domain:cloudidentity.googleapis.com",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceName": "groups/02pta16n3jhajnc",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceType": "cloudidentity.googleapis.com/Group"
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   }
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": ]
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   with module.required_group["group_billing_admins"].google_cloud_identity_group.group,
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   on .terraform/modules/required_group/main.tf line 35, in resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group":
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   35: resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group" {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Error: Error when reading or editing CloudIdentityGroup "groups/026in1rg2vnxgt3": googleapi: Error 403: Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/026in1rg2vnxgt3 (or it may not exist).
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Details:
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": [
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ResourceInfo",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "description": "Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/026in1rg2vnxgt3 (or it may not exist).",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "owner": "domain:cloudidentity.googleapis.com",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceName": "groups/026in1rg2vnxgt3",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceType": "cloudidentity.googleapis.com/Group"
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   }
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": ]
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   with module.required_group["billing_data_users"].google_cloud_identity_group.group,
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   on .terraform/modules/required_group/main.tf line 35, in resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group":
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   35: resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group" {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Error: Error when reading or editing CloudIdentityGroup "groups/025b2l0r1b83icx": googleapi: Error 403: Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/025b2l0r1b83icx (or it may not exist).
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": Details:
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": [
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ResourceInfo",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "description": "Error(2028): Permission denied for resource groups/025b2l0r1b83icx (or it may not exist).",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "owner": "domain:cloudidentity.googleapis.com",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceName": "groups/025b2l0r1b83icx",
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":     "resourceType": "cloudidentity.googleapis.com/Group"
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   }
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": ]
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   with module.required_group["group_org_admins"].google_cloud_identity_group.group,
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   on .terraform/modules/required_group/main.tf line 35, in resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group":
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all":   35: resource "google_cloud_identity_group" "group" {
Step #1 - "tf plan validate all": 
Finished Step #1 - "tf plan validate all"
ERROR: build step 1 "us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/prj-b-cicd-nolm/tf-runners/terraform:v1" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 21
lpezet commented 3 weeks ago

FTR we had the same problem last week.

What we found was that groups created by an organization member were not accessible to the bootstrap service account. But if the service account creates the groups itself then it's all fine.

During local boostrap the groups were created by a real user (a member of the organization), but when the plan was run by the service account (in github for us), the service account did not have permissions to read the groups. The workaround is to let the service account create the groups.

In details, from the state where the groups are already created and terraform plan fails in the pipeline:

  1. Set
  create_required_groups = false
  create_optional_groups = false

in terraform.tfvars and run terraform apply locally with the initial user - the groups are then deleted.

  1. Set
  create_required_groups = true
  create_optional_groups = true

And push this to version control. The bootstrap service account is now able to run terraform plan. Merging the PR, the bootstrap service account then creates the groups itself and that means it has access to it later on.

Perhaps this should be mentioned in the docs?


That fixed it for me. Would love to know the root cause here and I could look into it, but I'm also dealing with another issue (#1273 )...

eeaton commented 2 weeks ago

I think I've identified the root cause now, this comes from a strange overlap between GCP services and Cloud Identity / Workspace services and different permission models.

If the terraform code is used to create groups with the bootstrap service account, this configuration includes WITH_INITIAL_OWNER so that the service account is granted the privilege to modify the group.

If the groups are created manually, then the bootstrap service account as configured does not have any permission over cloud identity. It would need a workspace admin role like Groups Admin, which is configured through Workspace, not the GCP IAM policies.

Now I'm considering 2 options on how to address this in the foundation blueprint:

  1. Rewrite the deployment guidance for 0-bootstrap to nudge users towards the option of creating groups through automation instead of the manual prerequisite to avoid this clash. This approach might take some thought to ensure it works smoothly when repeatedly deploying/destroying the foundation in a test environment.
  2. Add Workspace admin roles to the bootstrap service account. This could avoid the clash regardless of the method used, but is not very representative of the target operational state a customer would want for managing their groups.