terraform-google-modules / terraform-google-iam

Manages multiple IAM roles for resources on Google Cloud
Apache License 2.0
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Unsupported Permissions Included when including multiple base roles #130

Closed soudaburger closed 3 years ago

soudaburger commented 3 years ago
base_roles           = ["roles/compute.viewer", "roles/container.admin", "roles/viewer", "roles/iam.serviceAccountUser"]

With the above base roles needed for a Rancher deployment documented here, I am still seeing Error: Error creating the custom organization role Rancher Cluster Automation: googleapi: Error 400: Permission cloudonefs.isiloncloud.com/clusters.list is not supported in custom roles., badRequest and other similar permissions that are supposed to be unsupported, thus intentionally excluded.

morgante commented 3 years ago

What version are you using?

soudaburger commented 3 years ago

I am not explicitly setting one, so I assume latest. Is there a way for me to find out which specific version is installed via the module? Do I need to be setting an explicit version? I installed it today, so whatever today's code has is what it pulled.

morgante commented 3 years ago

We recommend pinning a version:

module "custom-roles" {
  source = "terraform-google-modules/iam/google//modules/custom_role_iam"
  version = "~> 6.4"
soudaburger commented 3 years ago

Pinning the version didn't resolve anything. Same error.

morgante commented 3 years ago

Odd, we are verifying permissions are supported here: https://github.com/terraform-google-modules/terraform-google-iam/blob/master/modules/custom_role_iam/main.tf#L35

It looks like there's an upstream issue: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google/issues/7758

As a workaround, you can explicitly exclude the permission:

module "custom-roles" {
  source = "terraform-google-modules/iam/google//modules/custom_role_iam"
  version = "~> 6.4"

  excluded_permissions = ["cloudonefs.isiloncloud.com/clusters.list"]
soudaburger commented 3 years ago

Right, my concern is that I'm importing nearly 2000+ permissions. I've already come across several that need to be excluded, but I'm not sure how far down the rabbit hole I need to go. I really don't want to manually run terraform apply 100+ times every time it catches a new permission. That was the beauty of this module instead of just writing this myself which I did originally. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

morgante commented 3 years ago

Yes, we actually do automatically exclude permissions. It just looks like some permissions aren't excluding properly: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google/issues/7758

soudaburger commented 3 years ago
data "google_iam_testable_permissions" "perms" {
    full_resource_name   = "//cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/organizations/${var.org_id}"
    stages               = ["GA", "ALPHA", "BETA"]
    custom_support_level = "NOT_SUPPORTED"

module "custom-roles" {
  source = "terraform-google-modules/iam/google//modules/custom_role_iam"

  target_level         = "org"
  target_id            = var.org_id
  role_id              = "MyRole"
  title                = "MyRole"
  description          = "Custom Role Description"
  base_roles           = ["roles/compute.viewer", "roles/container.admin", "roles/viewer", "roles/iam.serviceAccountUser"]
  permissions          = []
  excluded_permissions = distinct(flatten([data.google_iam_testable_permissions.perms.permissions.*.name]))
  members              = ["serviceAccount:serviceaccount@example.iam"]
  version              = "~> 6.4"

For anyone else out there, you need to fetch the NOT_SUPPORTED permissions yourself and intentionally exclude them. Thanks for the assist to getting this to work!