Trying to implement Jenkins in to terraform-example-foundation founded here
Facing of lot problem.
1) ```
error retrieving image information: googleapi: Error 404: The resource 'projects/bitnami-launchpad/global/images/bitnami-jenkins-2-176-2-0-linux-debian-9-x86-64' was not found, notFound
on .terraform/modules/jenkins/main.tf line 52, in data "google_compute_image" "jenkins":
52: data "google_compute_image" "jenkins" {
Image not found
2) `Error creating Firewall: googleapi: Error 404: The resource 'projects/jenkins-cc-296213/global/networks/...' was not found, notFound `
I try to create network before creating of jenkis and try to use already created network in terraform-example-foundation no way
3) ```
Error retrieving IAM policy for compute subnetwork "projects/jenkins-cc-296213/regions/europe-west2/subnetworks/de
fault": googleapi: Error 404: The resource 'projects/jenkins-cc-296213/regions/europe-west2/subnetworks/default' was not
found, notFound
on iam.tf line 72, in resource "google_compute_subnetwork_iam_member" "jenkins_svpc_subnets":
72: resource "google_compute_subnetwork_iam_member" "jenkins_svpc_subnets" {
Same problem
4) Examples can not be run without infrastructure with is described in /test/setup folder /test/setup says
Error: Invalid resource type
on .terraform/modules/jenkins_svpc_host_project/modules/core_project_factory/main.tf line 165, in resource "google_project_services" "project_services_authority":
165: resource "google_project_services" "project_services_authority" {
The provider provider.google does not support resource type
Hello Trying to implement Jenkins in to terraform-example-foundation founded here Facing of lot problem.
1) ``` error retrieving image information: googleapi: Error 404: The resource 'projects/bitnami-launchpad/global/images/bitnami-jenkins-2-176-2-0-linux-debian-9-x86-64' was not found, notFound
on .terraform/modules/jenkins/main.tf line 52, in data "google_compute_image" "jenkins": 52: data "google_compute_image" "jenkins" {
Same problem
4) Examples can not be run without infrastructure with is described in /test/setup folder /test/setup says
Please help me to run you proposed solution