Closed stenalpjolly closed 1 year ago
Thanks for the PR! 🚀 Unfortunately it looks like some of our CI checks failed. See the Contributing Guide for details.
make generate_docs
Checking for documentation generation
diff -r '--exclude=.terraform' '' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=autogen' '--exclude=*.tfvars' /workspace/ /tmp/tmp.EFdPJLCc24/generate_docs/workspace/
< |------|-------------|:----:|:-----:|:-----:|
< | create\_firewall\_rules | If worker firewall rules should be created | bool | `"false"` | no |
< | gcs\_bucket | The name of an existing GCS bucket to associate with the created service account, allowing build artifacts to be uploaded. Leave blank to skip | string | `""` | no |
< | jenkins\_boot\_disk\_source\_image | The name of the disk image to use as the boot disk for the Jenkins master | string | `"bitnami-jenkins-2-176-2-0-linux-debian-9-x86-64"` | no |
< | jenkins\_boot\_disk\_source\_image\_project | The project within which the disk image to use as the Jenkins master boot disk exists | string | `"bitnami-launchpad"` | no |
< | jenkins\_initial\_password | The initial password to protect Jenkins logins with. Defaults to a random 8-character alphanumeric string. This may not contain special characters. | string | `""` | no |
< | jenkins\_instance\_access\_cidrs | CIDRs to allow to access Jenkins over HTTP(s) | list(string) | `<list>` | no |
< | jenkins\_instance\_additional\_metadata | Additional instance metadata to assign to the Jenkins VM | map(string) | `<map>` | no |
< | jenkins\_instance\_machine\_type | The machine type to provision for Jenkins | string | `"n1-standard-4"` | no |
< | jenkins\_instance\_name | The name to assign to the Jenkins VM | string | `"jenkins"` | no |
< | jenkins\_instance\_network | The GCP network to deploy the Jenkins VM in. The firewall rules will be created in the project which hosts this network. | string | n/a | yes |
< | jenkins\_instance\_subnetwork | The GCP subnetwork to deploy the Jenkins VM in | string | n/a | yes |
< | jenkins\_instance\_tags | Tags to assign to the Jenkins VM | list(string) | `<list>` | no |
< | jenkins\_instance\_zone | The zone to deploy the Jenkins VM in | string | n/a | yes |
< | jenkins\_jobs | A list of Jenkins jobs to configure on the instance | list | `<list>` | no |
< | jenkins\_network\_project\_id | The project ID of the Jenkins network | string | `""` | no |
< | jenkins\_service\_account\_display\_name | The display name of the service account to create for Jenkins VM provisioning | string | `"Jenkins"` | no |
< | jenkins\_service\_account\_name | The name of the service account to create for Jenkins VM provisioning | string | `"jenkins"` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_boot\_disk\_size\_gb | The size of Jenkins worker boot disks, in gigabytes | string | `"10"` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_boot\_disk\_source\_image | The fully qualified URL to the disk image to use as the boot disk for Jenkins workers | string | `"ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20181023"` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_boot\_disk\_source\_image\_project | The project within which the disk image to use as the Jenkins worker boot disk exists | string | `"ubuntu-os-cloud"` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_boot\_disk\_type | The boot disk type to associate with Jenkins workers. Valid options are 'local-ssd', 'pd-ssd', and 'pd-standard' | string | `"pd-ssd"` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_description | A description of the Jenkins worker cloud to show in Jenkins | string | `"Jenkins worker"` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_instance\_cap | The maximum number of GCE instances to create as Jenkins workers | string | `"1"` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_labels | GCP labels to apply to Jankins workers | list(string) | `<list>` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_launch\_timeout\_seconds | The number of seconds to wait for a Jenkins worker to come online before timing out | string | `"300"` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_machine\_type | The machine type to deploy Jenkins workers onto | string | `"n1-standard-1"` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_min\_cpu\_platform | The [minimum CPU platform]( to deploy Jenkins workers onto. Leave blank for no restriction. | string | `""` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_name\_prefix | A prefix for the Jenkins workers instance names | string | `"jenkins"` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_network | The URL of the network to deploy Jenkins workers into | string | n/a | yes |
< | jenkins\_workers\_network\_tags | A list of network tags to apply to Jenkins workers | list(string) | `<list>` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_num\_executors | The number of concurrent jobs that can run on each Jenkins worker | string | `"1"` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_preemptible | Whether to launch Jenkins workers as preemptible instances | string | `"false"` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_project\_id | The GCP project to deploy Jenkins workers within | string | n/a | yes |
< | jenkins\_workers\_region | The name of the region into which to deploy Jenkins workers | string | n/a | yes |
< | jenkins\_workers\_retention\_time\_minutes | The number of minutes for Jenkins workers to remain online after completing their last job | string | `"6"` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_run\_as\_user | The user to run Jenkins jobs as on workers | string | `"ubuntu"` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_service\_account\_email | The service account email to assign to Jenkins workers. Leave blank for the default compute service account | string | `""` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_startup\_script | Any additional configuration to run on boot of Jenkins workers | string | `""` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_subnetwork | The name of the subnetwork to deploy Jenkins workers into | string | `"default"` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_zone | The name of the zone into which to deploy Jenkins workers | string | `"us-east4-b"` | no |
< | project\_id | The project ID to deploy to | string | n/a | yes |
< | region | The region to deploy to | string | n/a | yes |
> |------|-------------|------|---------|:--------:|
> | create\_firewall\_rules | If worker firewall rules should be created | `bool` | `false` | no |
> | gcs\_bucket | The name of an existing GCS bucket to associate with the created service account, allowing build artifacts to be uploaded. Leave blank to skip | `string` | `""` | no |
> | jenkins\_boot\_disk\_source\_image | The name of the disk image to use as the boot disk for the Jenkins master | `string` | `"bitnami-jenkins-2-375-1-3-r04-linux-debian-11-x86-64-nami"` | no |
> | jenkins\_boot\_disk\_source\_image\_project | The project within which the disk image to use as the Jenkins master boot disk exists | `string` | `"bitnami-launchpad"` | no |
> | jenkins\_initial\_password | The initial password to protect Jenkins logins with. Defaults to a random 8-character alphanumeric string. This may not contain special characters. | `string` | `""` | no |
> | jenkins\_instance\_access\_cidrs | CIDRs to allow to access Jenkins over HTTP(s) | `list(string)` | <pre>[<br> ""<br>]</pre> | no |
> | jenkins\_instance\_additional\_metadata | Additional instance metadata to assign to the Jenkins VM | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
> | jenkins\_instance\_machine\_type | The machine type to provision for Jenkins | `string` | `"n1-standard-4"` | no |
> | jenkins\_instance\_name | The name to assign to the Jenkins VM | `string` | `"jenkins"` | no |
> | jenkins\_instance\_network | The GCP network to deploy the Jenkins VM in. The firewall rules will be created in the project which hosts this network. | `any` | n/a | yes |
> | jenkins\_instance\_subnetwork | The GCP subnetwork to deploy the Jenkins VM in | `any` | n/a | yes |
> | jenkins\_instance\_tags | Tags to assign to the Jenkins VM | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
> | jenkins\_instance\_zone | The zone to deploy the Jenkins VM in | `any` | n/a | yes |
> | jenkins\_jobs | A list of Jenkins jobs to configure on the instance | `list` | `[]` | no |
> | jenkins\_network\_project\_id | The project ID of the Jenkins network | `string` | `""` | no |
> | jenkins\_service\_account\_display\_name | The display name of the service account to create for Jenkins VM provisioning | `string` | `"Jenkins"` | no |
> | jenkins\_service\_account\_name | The name of the service account to create for Jenkins VM provisioning | `string` | `"jenkins"` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_boot\_disk\_size\_gb | The size of Jenkins worker boot disks, in gigabytes | `string` | `"10"` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_boot\_disk\_source\_image | The fully qualified URL to the disk image to use as the boot disk for Jenkins workers | `string` | `"ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20181023"` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_boot\_disk\_source\_image\_project | The project within which the disk image to use as the Jenkins worker boot disk exists | `string` | `"ubuntu-os-cloud"` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_boot\_disk\_type | The boot disk type to associate with Jenkins workers. Valid options are 'local-ssd', 'pd-ssd', and 'pd-standard' | `string` | `"pd-ssd"` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_description | A description of the Jenkins worker cloud to show in Jenkins | `string` | `"Jenkins worker"` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_instance\_cap | The maximum number of GCE instances to create as Jenkins workers | `number` | `1` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_labels | GCP labels to apply to Jankins workers | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_launch\_timeout\_seconds | The number of seconds to wait for a Jenkins worker to come online before timing out | `string` | `"300"` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_machine\_type | The machine type to deploy Jenkins workers onto | `string` | `"n1-standard-1"` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_min\_cpu\_platform | The [minimum CPU platform]( to deploy Jenkins workers onto. Leave blank for no restriction. | `string` | `""` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_name\_prefix | A prefix for the Jenkins workers instance names | `string` | `"jenkins"` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_network | The URL of the network to deploy Jenkins workers into | `any` | n/a | yes |
> | jenkins\_workers\_network\_tags | A list of network tags to apply to Jenkins workers | `list(string)` | <pre>[<br> "jenkins-agent"<br>]</pre> | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_num\_executors | The number of concurrent jobs that can run on each Jenkins worker | `number` | `1` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_preemptible | Whether to launch Jenkins workers as preemptible instances | `string` | `"false"` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_project\_id | The GCP project to deploy Jenkins workers within | `any` | n/a | yes |
> | jenkins\_workers\_region | The name of the region into which to deploy Jenkins workers | `any` | n/a | yes |
> | jenkins\_workers\_retention\_time\_minutes | The number of minutes for Jenkins workers to remain online after completing their last job | `string` | `"6"` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_run\_as\_user | The user to run Jenkins jobs as on workers | `string` | `"ubuntu"` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_service\_account\_email | The service account email to assign to Jenkins workers. Leave blank for the default compute service account | `string` | `""` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_startup\_script | Any additional configuration to run on boot of Jenkins workers | `string` | `""` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_subnetwork | The name of the subnetwork to deploy Jenkins workers into | `string` | `"default"` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_zone | The name of the zone into which to deploy Jenkins workers | `string` | `"us-east4-b"` | no |
> | project\_id | The project ID to deploy to | `any` | n/a | yes |
> | region | The region to deploy to | `any` | n/a | yes |
diff -r '--exclude=.terraform' '' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=autogen' '--exclude=*.tfvars' /workspace/examples/shared_vpc_example/ /tmp/tmp.EFdPJLCc24/generate_docs/workspace/examples/shared_vpc_example/
< |------|-------------|:----:|:-----:|:-----:|
< | project\_id | The project ID to deploy jenkins to | string | n/a | yes |
< | svpc\_host\_project\_id | The Shared VPC host project ID. In example the project the Jenkins network is hosted in | string | n/a | yes |
< | svpc\_network\_name | The network in Shared VPC host account to deploy the Jenkins instance to | string | n/a | yes |
< | svpc\_subnetwork\_name | The subnetwork name to deploy Jenkins to | string | n/a | yes |
> |------|-------------|------|---------|:--------:|
> | project\_id | The project ID to deploy jenkins to | `any` | n/a | yes |
> | svpc\_host\_project\_id | The Shared VPC host project ID. In example the project the Jenkins network is hosted in | `any` | n/a | yes |
> | svpc\_network\_name | The network in Shared VPC host account to deploy the Jenkins instance to | `any` | n/a | yes |
> | svpc\_subnetwork\_name | The subnetwork name to deploy Jenkins to | `any` | n/a | yes |
diff -r '--exclude=.terraform' '' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=autogen' '--exclude=*.tfvars' /workspace/examples/simple_example/ /tmp/tmp.EFdPJLCc24/generate_docs/workspace/examples/simple_example/
< |------|-------------|:----:|:-----:|:-----:|
< | jenkins\_instance\_metadata | Additional metadata to pass to the Jenkins master instance | map(string) | `<map>` | no |
< | jenkins\_instance\_zone | The zone to deploy the Jenkins VM in | string | `"us-east4-b"` | no |
< | jenkins\_network\_project\_id | The project ID of the Jenkins network | string | `""` | no |
< | jenkins\_workers\_zone | The name of the zone into which to deploy Jenkins workers | string | `"us-east4-c"` | no |
< | network | The GCP network to launch the instance in | string | `"default"` | no |
< | project\_id | The project ID to deploy to | string | n/a | yes |
< | region | The region to deploy to | string | `"us-east4"` | no |
< | subnetwork | The GCP subnetwork to launch the instance in | string | `"default"` | no |
> |------|-------------|------|---------|:--------:|
> | jenkins\_instance\_metadata | Additional metadata to pass to the Jenkins master instance | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
> | jenkins\_instance\_zone | The zone to deploy the Jenkins VM in | `string` | `"us-east4-b"` | no |
> | jenkins\_network\_project\_id | The project ID of the Jenkins network | `string` | `""` | no |
> | jenkins\_workers\_zone | The name of the zone into which to deploy Jenkins workers | `string` | `"us-east4-c"` | no |
> | network | The GCP network to launch the instance in | `string` | `"default"` | no |
> | project\_id | The project ID to deploy to | `any` | n/a | yes |
> | region | The region to deploy to | `string` | `"us-east4"` | no |
> | subnetwork | The GCP subnetwork to launch the instance in | `string` | `"default"` | no |
Error: Documentation generation has not been run, please run the
'make docker_generate_docs' command and commit the above changes.
Running terraform fmt
Running terraform validate
terraform_validate .
Unsupported Terraform Core version
on line 18, in terraform:
required_version = "~> 0.12.6"
This configuration does not support Terraform version 0.13.5. To proceed,
either choose another supported Terraform version or update this version
constraint. Version constraints are normally set for good reason, so updating
the constraint may lead to other errors or unexpected behavior.
terraform_validate ./examples/shared_vpc_example
Unsupported Terraform Core version
on line 18, in terraform:
required_version = "~> 0.12.6"
This configuration does not support Terraform version 0.13.5. To proceed,
either choose another supported Terraform version or update this version
constraint. Version constraints are normally set for good reason, so updating
the constraint may lead to other errors or unexpected behavior.
Unsupported Terraform Core version
on ../../ line 18, in terraform:
required_version = "~> 0.12.6"
Module module.jenkins-gce (from ../../) does not support Terraform version
0.13.5. To proceed, either choose another supported Terraform version or
update this version constraint. Version constraints are normally set for good
reason, so updating the constraint may lead to other errors or unexpected
terraform_validate ./examples/simple_example
Unsupported Terraform Core version
on line 18, in terraform:
required_version = "~> 0.12.6"
This configuration does not support Terraform version 0.13.5. To proceed,
either choose another supported Terraform version or update this version
constraint. Version constraints are normally set for good reason, so updating
the constraint may lead to other errors or unexpected behavior.
Unsupported Terraform Core version
on ../../ line 18, in terraform:
required_version = "~> 0.12.6"
Module module.jenkins-gce (from ../../) does not support Terraform version
0.13.5. To proceed, either choose another supported Terraform version or
update this version constraint. Version constraints are normally set for good
reason, so updating the constraint may lead to other errors or unexpected
terraform_validate ./modules/artifact_storage
Missing required argument
on line 18, in resource "google_storage_bucket" "artifacts":
18: resource "google_storage_bucket" "artifacts"
The argument "location" is required, but no definition was found.
terraform_validate ./test/fixtures/simple_example
Unsupported Terraform Core version
on ../../../ line 18, in terraform:
required_version = "~> 0.12.6"
Module module.example.module.jenkins-gce (from ../../) does not support
Terraform version 0.13.5. To proceed, either choose another supported
Terraform version or update this version constraint. Version constraints are
normally set for good reason, so updating the constraint may lead to other
errors or unexpected behavior.
Unsupported Terraform Core version
on ../../../examples/simple_example/ line 18, in terraform:
required_version = "~> 0.12.6"
Module module.example (from ../../../examples/simple_example) does not support
Terraform version 0.13.5. To proceed, either choose another supported
Terraform version or update this version constraint. Version constraints are
normally set for good reason, so updating the constraint may lead to other
errors or unexpected behavior.
terraform_validate ./test/setup
Failed to read module directory
Module directory .terraform/modules/project/modules/shared_vpc does not exist
or cannot be read.
Failed to read module directory
Module directory .terraform/modules/project/modules/shared_vpc does not exist
or cannot be read.
This PR is stale because it has been open 60 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 7 days
This PR is stale because it has been open 60 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 7 days
Updating Jenkins Image to the latest available version