terraform-ibm-modules / terraform-ibm-landing-zone-vpc

Creates virtual servers across subnets in a single VPC connected by a single security group. Supports floating IP addresses and multiple load balancers.
Apache License 2.0
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On adding existing_vpc_id under vpcs map of landing-zone module, got vpc_data output issue #687

Open nupurg-ibm opened 8 months ago

nupurg-ibm commented 8 months ago
ocofaigh commented 8 months ago

Thanks, we are aware of the issue and already working on this fix

nupurg-ibm commented 8 months ago

Just to validate I commented:

# output "vpc_resource_list" {
#   description = "List of VPC with VSI and Cluster deployed on the VPC."
#   value = [
#     for vpc in module.vpc :
#     {
#       id                = vpc.vpc_data.id
#       name              = vpc.vpc_data.name
#       resource_group_id = vpc.vpc_data.resource_group
#       region            = var.region
#       clusters = flatten([for cluster in ibm_container_vpc_cluster.cluster :
#         cluster.id if cluster.vpc_id == vpc.vpc_data.id
#       ])
#       vsi = distinct(flatten([
#         [
#           for group in keys(local.vsi_map) :
#           [
#             for deployment in module.vsi[group].list :
#             module.vsi[group].ids if vpc.vpc_data.id == deployment.vpc_id
#           ]
#         ]
#       ]))
#     }
#   ]
# }

Now deployment happened but the existing_vpc_id which I passed with vpcs is not considered and it created new vpc and considered that one only for othe resources creation.

ocofaigh commented 8 months ago

PR -> https://github.com/terraform-ibm-modules/terraform-ibm-landing-zone-vpc/pull/688#

nupurg-ibm commented 8 months ago

Thanks, Any timeline when we are planning to integrate existing vpc and existing subnet with landing-zone root module as discussed?

toddgiguere commented 8 months ago

@nupurg-ibm The feature to add "existing_vpc_id" parameter to landing_zone inputs has not been released yet, and is still in development. We will need a new release of landing_zone for this feature.

nupurg-ibm commented 8 months ago

I understand @toddgiguere . Do we have any tentative timeline when we are planning to release new version of landing_zone with this feature?

toddgiguere commented 8 months ago

Do not have timeline yet, but I'm getting closer. When I have something working on my fork I could use some extra testing? I'll let you know.