terraform-linters / tflint

A Pluggable Terraform Linter
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Allow use of `--chdir` and `--recursive` together #2051

Open rdimartino opened 1 month ago

rdimartino commented 1 month ago


Terraform allows using both the -chdir and -recursive flags, e.g. terraform -chdir=infra/ fmt -check -recursive

I expected to be able to do something similar with TFLint, but got an error

Failed to find workspaces; cannot use --recursive and --chdir at the same time

I am running my formatters/linters from the project root for other tools but am having trouble doing that with TFLint.

My directory structure looks similar to

▷ app/
▷ tmp/
▷ node_modules/
▽ infra/
  ▽ modules/
    ▽ deployment/

The specifics are not important, but the general problem is that running tflint --chdir infra/ seems to only check infra/main.tf, but running tflint --recursive ends up wasting a ton of time scanning node_modules/, tmp/, and other large directories without any terraform configuration.

As a work-around, I can cd into the infra/ directory before running tflint --recursive, but I would expect this tool to work similarly to terraform and allow me to specify --chdir infra/ and --recursive to tell TFLint to start recursing from the infra/ directory.


Allow the use of both --chdir and --recursive together.

Recursion should start from the directory specified by the --chdir flag.




wata727 commented 1 month ago

Related discussions: https://github.com/terraform-linters/tflint/discussions/1920 https://github.com/terraform-linters/tflint/discussions/1960

If terraform fmt can use --chdir and --recursive together, I support this proposal in terms of interface consistency.