terraform-lxd / terraform-provider-lxd

LXD Resource provider for Terraform
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zfs.block_mode or initial.zfs.block_mode broken? #525

Open ExpatUK opened 1 week ago

ExpatUK commented 1 week ago


I've been trying to implement this for a couple of containers that will be hosting docker swarm services to try and eliminate the IO bottleneck on ZFS, however using this device block:

  device {
    name = "root"
    type = "disk"
    properties = {
      "path"           = "/"
      "pool"           = "local"
      #"size"           = "200GiB"
      "initial.zfs.block_mode" = true

Results in the following errors:

│ Error: Provider produced inconsistent result after apply
│ When applying changes to lxd_instance.int-dev-zvol["int-dev-zvol01"], provider "provider[\"registry.terraform.io/terraform-lxd/lxd\"]"
│ produced an unexpected new value: .device: actual set element cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{"name":cty.StringVal("root"),
│ "properties":cty.MapVal(map[string]cty.Value{"initial.zfs.block_mode":cty.StringVal("true"), "path":cty.StringVal("/"),
│ "pool":cty.StringVal("local")}), "type":cty.StringVal("disk")}) does not correlate with any element in plan.
│ This is a bug in the provider, which should be reported in the provider's own issue tracker.
│ Error: Provider produced inconsistent result after apply
│ When applying changes to lxd_instance.int-dev-zvol["int-dev-zvol01"], provider "provider[\"registry.terraform.io/terraform-lxd/lxd\"]"
│ produced an unexpected new value: .device: block set length changed from 1 to 2.
│ This is a bug in the provider, which should be reported in the provider's own issue tracker.

This does appear to create the zvol block devices as desired, however:

rpool/lxd/containers/int-dev-swarm01                                                       946M  2.08T     1.74G  legacy
rpool/lxd/containers/int-dev-swarm02                                                       947M  2.08T     1.74G  legacy
rpool/lxd/containers/int-dev-worker01                                                      947M  2.08T     1.74G  legacy
rpool/lxd/containers/int-dev-zvol01                                                       1.03G  2.08T     1.03G  -
rpool/lxd/virtual-machines/int-dev-lab04.block                                            3.76G  2.08T     4.52G  -

(The 'legacy' ones are normal datasets, and lab04 has a manually created, attached and functional ext4 block device)

Am I omitting something basic? Essentially I just need the provider to create zvol block devices for specific container instances rather than zfs datasets when specified.

If I manually set the pool to use zfs.block_mode this works without issue, without the disk device being specified.

Versions: lxd 5.19 lxd provider 2.3.0 terraform 1.5.3

ExpatUK commented 1 week ago

So it seems this does function, but the zvol/disk device can only be defined under lxd_instance, not lxd_profile.

MusicDin commented 1 week ago

Hi could you share the configuration of the entire lxd_profile/lxd_instance?

ExpatUK commented 1 week ago



resource "lxd_profile" "int-dev-zvol" {
  remote = var.lxd_remote
  name   = "int-dev-zvol"

  config = {
    "user.user-data"     = <<-EOF
        - name: ${var.lxd_user}
          no-log-init: true
            - ${file(var.ssh_pub_key)}
      ssh_pwauth: True 
    "boot.autostart"      = true
    "security.privileged" = true
    "security.nesting"    = true
    "security.syscalls.intercept.mknod"    = true
    "security.syscalls.intercept.setxattr" = true
    "security.syscalls.intercept.sysinfo"  = true
    "linux.kernel_modules"                 = var.lxd_kmods
    "limits.cpu"                           = "4"
    "limits.memory"                        = "4GiB"
    "limits.memory.swap"                   = false
    "limits.memory.enforce"                = "hard"
    "security.protection.delete"           = false
    #"zfs.block_mode"                       = true

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = all



resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-zvol" {
  for_each = var.instances.zvol
  name     = each.key
  image    = var.lxd_image
  remote   = var.lxd_remote
  target   = each.value.target
  profiles = ["default", lxd_profile.int-dev-zvol.name]
  type     = each.value.type != null ? each.value.type : null

  config = {
        "user.access_interface" = each.value.type == "virtual-machine" ? var.lxd_vm_interface : var.lxd_container_interface

  device {
    name = var.lxd_container_interface
    type = "nic"
    properties = {
      "nictype" = var.lxd_nic_type
      "parent"  = var.lxd_host_interface

  device {
    name = "root"
    type = "disk"
    properties = {
      "path"           = "/"
      "pool"           = "local"
      "size"           = "200GiB"
      "initial.zfs.block_mode" = "true"

  connection {
    type        = "ssh"
    user        = var.lxd_user
    private_key = file(var.ssh_private_key)
    host        = self.ipv4_address
    timeout     = var.ssh_timeout

  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    inline = ["echo 'SSH connection success'"]

MusicDin commented 1 week ago

It does not work in the profile because initial.* options are disk device options.

Here is an example where initial.zfs.block_mode is set to the root disk device within a profile int-dev-zvol:

resource "lxd_storage_pool" "zfs" {
  name   = "zfs"
  driver = "zfs"

resource "lxd_profile" "int-dev-zvol" {
  name = "int-dev-zvol"

  device {
    name = "root"
    type = "disk"
    properties = {
      path                     = "/"
      pool                     = "zfs"
      "initial.zfs.block_mode" = true

To verify:

$ lxc profile show int-dev-zvol
name: int-dev-zvol
description: ""
config: {}
    initial.zfs.block_mode: "true"
    path: /
    pool: zfs
    type: disk
used_by: []

$ lxc launch images:alpine/edge test -p int-dev-zvol

$ lxc storage volume show zfs container/test
name: test
description: ""
type: container
pool: zfs
content_type: filesystem
project: default
location: none
created_at: 2024-09-19T14:42:22.437599342Z
  block.filesystem: ext4
  block.mount_options: discard
  volatile.uuid: c52cbe59-0f91-49d3-89fa-619946e68e0d
  zfs.block_mode: "true" # <---
- /1.0/instances/test
ExpatUK commented 1 week ago

Interesting. It was with that exact device block I received the error, when using it in lxd_profile.

As it is working (and we do not wish to manage lxd_storage_pools within terraform), I consider this resolved - but it would be nice to have a working example of a secondary block device that could be mounted within the container, i.e. /var/lib/docker.

MusicDin commented 1 week ago

we do not wish to manage lxd_storage_pools within terraform

The initial.* settings may prove useful in such case, as they allow configuring new instances with different volume settings without changing those already applied on the storage pool.

it would be nice to have a working example of a secondary block device that could be mounted within the container

Of course, great idea.

Would you find something like the following example useful in the lxd_volume section?

# Create storage pool.
resource "lxd_storage_pool" "zfs" {
  name   = "zfs"
  driver = "zfs"

# Create custom volume.
resource "lxd_volume" "inst-vol" {
  name = "second-vol"
  pool = lxd_storage_pool.zfs.name

  config = {
    size = "5GiB"

# Create an instance with attached custom volume.
resource "lxd_instance" "inst" {
  name    = "inst"
  image   = "ubuntu:22.04"

  # Attach additional volume.
  device {
    name = "vol-01"
    type = "disk"
    properties = {
      path   = "/var/lib/docker"
      pool   = lxd_storage_pool.zfs.name
      source = lxd_volume.inst-vol.name

We should also emphasize the restrictions that apply when attaching custom volumes to containers and/or VMs (https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/latest/howto/storage_volumes/#attach-the-volume-to-an-instance).

ExpatUK commented 1 week ago

I'm correct in thinking that this would only work if the storage pool is imported (or in our clustered environment, managed after creation) within tf?

MusicDin commented 1 week ago

I'm not sure I understand the question. Attaching custom volumes should work both with pre-existing storage pools, and storage pools that created via TF

ExpatUK commented 1 week ago

Sorry, I should have clarified.

Our current lxd infrastructure works as is without importing or managing the storage pools within terraform.

As far as I understand it, in order to mount this secondary volume to /var/lib/docker, we would be required to import or create a storage pool by defining a lxd_storage_pool block?

MusicDin commented 1 week ago

Ahh, got you. You can use an existing storage pool (not managed by Terraform) by referencing it by its name:

# Create storage pool.
lxc storage create tmp zfs
# Create custom volume.
resource "lxd_volume" "inst-vol" {
  name = "second-vol"
  pool = "tmp" # <-- Reference storage pool by name.

  config = {
    size = "5GiB"

# Create an instance with attached custom volume.
resource "lxd_instance" "inst" {
  name    = "inst"
  image   = "ubuntu:22.04"

  # Attach additional volume.
  device {
    name = "vol-01"
    type = "disk"
    properties = {
      path   = "/var/lib/docker"
      pool   = "tmp" # <-- Reference storage pool by name.
      source = lxd_volume.inst-vol.name
ExpatUK commented 1 week ago

Perfect. I'll give this a try tomorrow and let you know the result. Thank you!

ExpatUK commented 1 week ago

Unfortunately, using that example results in this error:

lxd_volume.dockerzvol: Creating...
lxd_profile.int-dev-zvol: Creating...
lxd_profile.int-dev-zvol: Creation complete after 3s [name=int-dev-zvol]
lxd_volume.dockerzvol: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
lxd_volume.dockerzvol: Creation complete after 11s [name=dockerzvol]
lxd_instance.int-dev-zvol["int-dev-zvol01"]: Creating...
│ Error: Failed to create instance "int-dev-zvol01"
│   with lxd_instance.int-dev-zvol["int-dev-zvol01"],
│   on main.tf line 9, in resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-zvol":
│    9: resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-zvol" {
│ Failed instance creation: Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed add validation for device
│ "dockerzvol": Failed loading custom volume: Storage volume not found


resource "lxd_volume" "dockerzvol" {
  name = "dockerzvol"
  pool = "local"
  config = {
    size = "200GiB"

resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-zvol" {
  for_each = var.instances.zvol
  name     = each.key
  image    = var.lxd_image
  remote   = var.lxd_remote
  target   = each.value.target
  profiles = ["default", lxd_profile.int-dev-zvol.name]
  type     = each.value.type != null ? each.value.type : null

  config = {
        "user.access_interface" = each.value.type == "virtual-machine" ? var.lxd_vm_interface : var.lxd_container_interface

  device {
    name = var.lxd_container_interface
    type = "nic"
    properties = {
      "nictype" = var.lxd_nic_type
      "parent"  = var.lxd_host_interface

  device {
    name = "dockerzvol"
    type = "disk"
    properties = {
      "path"   = "/var/lib/docker"
      "pool"   = "local"
      "source" = lxd_volume.dockerzvol.name

  connection {
    type        = "ssh"
    user        = var.lxd_user
    private_key = file(var.ssh_private_key)
    host        = self.ipv4_address
    timeout     = var.ssh_timeout

  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    inline = ["echo 'SSH connection success'"]

MusicDin commented 1 week ago

Hmm, I've tried both with VMs and containers with the following example:

lxc storage create local zfs
resource "lxd_volume" "dockerzvol" {
  name = "dockerzvol"
  pool = "local"

  config = {
    size = "5GiB"

resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-zvol" {
  name     = "tf-test"
  image    = "images:alpine/edge"
  profiles = ["default"]
  type     = "container" # "virtual-machine"

  config = {
    "security.secureboot" = false

  device {
    name = "dockerzvol"
    type = "disk"
    properties = {
      "path"   = "/var/lib/docker"
      "pool"   = "local"
      "source" = lxd_volume.dockerzvol.name

Can you provide me with the LXD version and provider version? What is the output of lxc storage show local?

Can you also confirm that the custom storage volume is created (lxc storage volume show local dockerzvol)? The error indicates that the storage volume cannot be found.

If you are running in clustered mode, can you set the target on both volume and an instance pointing to a specific node?

ExpatUK commented 1 week ago

Versions: lxd 5.19 lxd provider 2.3.0 terraform 1.5.3

lxc storage show local:

config: {}
description: ""
name: local
driver: zfs
- /1.0/images/27d9d0f4f2ef30dc2f955dbba1823eb879ba02d27a39ff1deb107ba9246dad22?target=host01
- /1.0/images/27d9d0f4f2ef30dc2f955dbba1823eb879ba02d27a39ff1deb107ba9246dad22?target=host02
- /1.0/images/27d9d0f4f2ef30dc2f955dbba1823eb879ba02d27a39ff1deb107ba9246dad22?target=host03
- /1.0/images/27d9d0f4f2ef30dc2f955dbba1823eb879ba02d27a39ff1deb107ba9246dad22?target=host04
- /1.0/instances/int-dev-swarm01
- /1.0/instances/tools03
- /1.0/profiles/ext-dev-swarm
- /1.0/profiles/ext-dev-worker
- /1.0/profiles/default
- /1.0/profiles/int-dev-lab
- /1.0/profiles/int-prd-lb
- /1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/image/427083a0078160c5e51234b7a6a160a772eb562edae4e72b7ebe2b53d5a2e59?target=host01
- /1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/image/427083a0078160c5e51234b7a6a160a772eb562edae4e72b7ebe2b53d5a2e59?target=host02
- /1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/image/427083a0078160c5e51234b7a6a160a772eb562edae4e72b7ebe2b53d5a2e59?target=host03
- /1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/image/427083a0078160c5e51234b7a6a160a772eb562edae4e72b7ebe2b53d5a2e59?target=host04
status: Created
- host04
- host02
- host03
- host01

lxc storage volume show local dockerzvol:

  size: 200GiB
description: ""
name: dockerzvol
type: custom
used_by: []
location: host01
content_type: block
project: default
created_at: 2024-09-20T08:53:13.98321981Z

So it does appear the volume has been created, just on the default remote which is the wrong host for this container (the target for this test container was set to host04). After setting target = host04 in the device block, this successfully gets created where it should, however it appears to have created a dataset rather than a zvol:

lxc storage volume show local dockerzvol:

  size: 200GiB
  volatile.idmap.last: '[]'
  volatile.idmap.next: '[]'
description: ""
name: dockerzvol
type: custom
- /1.0/instances/int-dev-zvol01
location: host04
content_type: filesystem # <--
project: default
created_at: 2024-09-20T10:22:37.22770819Z

as is reflected in a zfs list on host04:

rpool/lxd/custom/default_dockerzvol                                                       376K   200G      376K  legacy

When running with initial.zfs.block_mode = true in the device properties, we get:

│ Error: Failed to create instance "int-dev-zvol01"
│   with lxd_instance.int-dev-zvol["int-dev-zvol01"],
│   on main.tf line 10, in resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-zvol":
│   10: resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-zvol" {
│ Failed instance creation: Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed add validation for device
│ "dockerzvol": Non-root disk device cannot contain initial.* configuration

And when specifying content_type = block in the volume block, we get:

│ Error: Failed to create instance "int-dev-zvol01"
│   with lxd_instance.int-dev-zvol["int-dev-zvol01"],
│   on main.tf line 11, in resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-zvol":
│   11: resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-zvol" {
│ Failed instance creation: Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed add validation for device
│ "dockerzvol": Custom block volumes cannot be used on containers
MusicDin commented 1 week ago

When running with initial.zfs.block_mode = true in the device properties

Initial settings only apply to instance root disk volume, not the custom volume.

And when specifying content_type = block in the volume block

You can set the content-type of the custom volume to block, but block volumes cannot be attached to containers, as explained under restrictions in Attach the volume to an instance:

Custom storage volumes of content type block or iso cannot be attached to containers, but only to virtual machines.

So it does appear the volume has been created, just on the default remote which is the wrong host for this container (the target for this test container was set to host04).

Yes, this is an issue. We either need to figure out a way to create custom volume on the same cluster member as an instance or, for now, at least clarify that either target has to be specified or remote storage, such as Ceph, should be used.

ExpatUK commented 1 week ago

So IIUC, currently the only way to have a separate ext4 zvol for containers running docker is to make the entire root device a zvol or manually create and mount a block device after creation.

Edit: As this seems to be an lxd limitation, will it be possible to create this volume as a 'container' type in the future?

Thanks for all your help!

ExpatUK commented 1 week ago

Small update, although the following main.tf works perfectly fine when the target is specified to host04, when it reverts to default (host01) it fails, again unable to find the volume.


resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-zvol" {
  for_each = var.instances.timer
  name     = each.key
  image    = var.lxd_image
  remote   = var.lxd_remote
  target   = each.value.target
  profiles = ["default", lxd_profile.int-dev-zvol.name]
  type     = each.value.type != null ? each.value.type : null

  config = {
        "user.access_interface" = each.value.type == "virtual-machine" ? var.lxd_vm_interface : var.lxd_container_interface

  device {
    name = "root"
    type = "disk"
    properties = {
      "path"                   = "/"
      "pool"                   = "local"
      "size"                   = "200GiB"
      ## "size"                   = var.lxd_docker_zvol_size
      "initial.zfs.block_mode" = "true"

  device {
    name = var.lxd_container_interface
    type = "nic"
    properties = {
      "nictype" = var.lxd_nic_type
      "parent"  = var.lxd_host_interface

  connection {
    type        = "ssh"
    user        = var.lxd_user
    private_key = file(var.ssh_private_key)
    host        = self.ipv4_address
    timeout     = var.ssh_timeout

  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    inline = ["echo 'SSH connection success'"]


It doesn't seem to respect the instance target, but I'm not entirely sure why it works on host04.

Edit: It doesn't appear to be making the volume at all on other targets, bizarrely. lxc storage volume show local container/mx-dev-zvol01:

Error: Storage pool volume not found

tf apply:

│ Error: Failed to create instance "int-dev-zvol01"
│   with lxd_instance.int-dev-zvol["int-dev-zvol01"],
│   on main.tf line 2, in resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-zvol":
│    2: resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-zvol" {
│ Failed instance creation: Failed creating instance from image: Could not locate a zvol for rpool/lxd/containers/int-dev-zvol01

On an entirely new platform (2 managers and 4 workers to replicate a swarm, assigned incrementally to hosts so that worker01 = host01) configured in exactly the same way, tf apply bombs out with the following:

│ Error: Failed to create instance "int-dev-manager02"
│   with lxd_instance.int-dev-manager["int-dev-manager02"],
│   on main.tf line 2, in resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-manager":
│    2: resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-manager" {
│ Failed instance creation: Failed creating instance from image: Could not locate a zvol for rpool/lxd/containers/int-dev-manager02
│ Error: Failed to create instance "int-dev-manager01"
│   with lxd_instance.int-dev-manager["int-dev-manager01"],
│   on main.tf line 2, in resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-manager":
│    2: resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-manager" {
│ Failed instance creation: Failed creating instance from image: Could not locate a zvol for rpool/lxd/containers/int-dev-manager01
│ Error: Failed to create instance "int-dev-worker03"
│   with lxd_instance.int-dev-worker["int-dev-worker03"],
│   on main.tf line 53, in resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-worker":
│   53: resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-worker" {
│ Failed instance creation: Failed creating instance from image: Could not locate a zvol for rpool/lxd/containers/int-dev-worker03
│ Error: Failed to create instance "int-dev-worker01"
│   with lxd_instance.int-dev-worker["int-dev-worker01"],
│   on main.tf line 53, in resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-worker":
│   53: resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-worker" {
│ Failed instance creation: Failed creating instance from image: Could not locate a zvol for rpool/lxd/containers/int-dev-worker01
│ Error: Failed to create instance "int-dev-worker02"
│   with lxd_instance.int-dev-worker["int-dev-worker02"],
│   on main.tf line 53, in resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-worker":
│   53: resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-worker" {
│ Failed instance creation: Failed creating instance from image: Could not locate a zvol for rpool/lxd/containers/int-dev-worker02

Note the absence of worker04.

lxc storage volume outputs:

root@host04:~# lxc storage volume show local container/int-dev-worker01
Error: Storage pool volume not found
root@host04:~# lxc storage volume show local container/int-dev-worker02
Error: Storage pool volume not found
root@host04:~# lxc storage volume show local container/int-dev-worker03
Error: Storage pool volume not found
root@host04:~# lxc storage volume show local container/int-dev-worker04
  block.filesystem: ext4
  block.mount_options: discard
  zfs.block_mode: "true"
description: ""
name: int-dev-worker04
type: container
- /1.0/instances/int-dev-worker04
location: host04
content_type: filesystem
project: default
created_at: 2024-09-20T16:49:38.333640012Z
ExpatUK commented 1 week ago

Relevant TF_LOG=debug output:

2024-09-20T18:02:22.044+0100 [ERROR] provider.terraform-provider-lxd_v2.3.0: Response contains error diagnostic: diagnostic_detail="Failed instance creation: Failed creating instance from image: Could not locate a zvol for rpool/lxd/containers/int-dev-manager01" diagnostic_severity=ERROR diagnostic_summary="Failed to create instance "int-dev-manager01"" tf_proto_version=6.6 tf_rpc=ApplyResourceChange tf_req_id=7ac2f8a3-3dbc-0e05-edcb-c6b639747152 tf_resource_type=lxd_instance @caller=github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-go@v0.23.0/tfprotov6/internal/diag/diagnostics.go:58 @module=sdk.proto tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/terraform-lxd/lxd timestamp=2024-09-20T18:02:22.044+0100
2024-09-20T18:02:22.046+0100 [DEBUG] State storage *remote.State declined to persist a state snapshot
2024-09-20T18:02:22.046+0100 [ERROR] vertex "lxd_instance.int-dev-manager[\"int-dev-manager01\"]" error: Failed to create instance "int-dev-manager01"
MusicDin commented 1 week ago

Could not locate a zvol for rpool/lxd/containers/int-dev-manager01

Yes, this was an issue in LXD where it could happen that udev rules were not applied in time (especially on loaded system). This has been fixed in 5.21 and 6.1 (now the the zvol is waited for up to 30 seconds to appear).

Since you are using 5.19 which is no longer supported, I would recommend upgrading to 5.21 (LTS) if possible.

ExpatUK commented 1 week ago

Excellent, thanks for letting me know. I'll upgrade the cluster next week and we'll go from there. Do you have a link to the issue, out of interest?

Have a good weekend!

MusicDin commented 1 week ago

I think the issue was detected in our test suite, but here is the PR: https://github.com/canonical/lxd/pull/13656 and https://github.com/canonical/lxd/pull/13861

Have a nice weekend as well :)

ExpatUK commented 1 week ago

I can confirm that after updating to 5.21.2 LTS, the profile works as expected :) thank you!

Regarding 'container' type volumes (or anything other than the 'custom' type), is it on the roadmap for our usecase to be achievable? aka, attaching a standard container with a zvol block volume mounted to /var/lib/docker, configured and deployed with this provider?

MusicDin commented 1 week ago

Great, I'm glad the upgrade solve the issue for you :)

I'm not sure why block volumes cannot be attached to the container (there must be a good reason), but have internally suggested to add support for it. If this gets supported by LXD it will be possible in the Terraform provider as well. However, can't promise anything.

Will close this issue, as zfs.block_mode and initial.zfs.block_mode are working fine.

MusicDin commented 5 days ago

Hi @ExpatUK,

I've discussed internally and block devices cannot be attached to containers directly as already mentioned previously, however, you can attach a block backed device to a container if it has a filesystem on top of it.

So to create a zvol with ext4 and attach it to the container, you can do the following:

lxc storage create mypool zfs
lxc storage volume create mypool test zfs.block_mode=true
lxc config device add v1 myvol disk path=/var/lib/docker pool=mypool source=test

To verify:

zfs list -t volume
NAME                           USED     AVAIL     REFER     MOUNTPOINT
mypool/custom/default_test     136K     28.6G     136K      -

In Terraform configuration, this would look like this:

resource "lxd_volume" "dockerzvol" {
  name  = "dockerzvol"
  pool  = "local"

  # Setting content_type to "filesystem" (default value), creates a filesystem.
  # Setting content_type to "block", creates a block device without FS.
  # Those volumes can be attached only to virtual machines.
  content_type = "filesystem"

  config = {
    # Set zfs.block_mode to true to create block backed device.
    "zfs.block_mode" = true
    size             = "5GiB"

resource "lxd_instance" "int-dev-zvol" {
  name     = "tf-test"
  image    = "images:alpine/edge"
  profiles = ["default"]
  type     = "container"

  device {
    name = "dockerzvol"
    type = "disk"
    properties = {
      "path"   = "/var/lib/docker"
      "pool"   = "local"
      "source" = lxd_volume.dockerzvol.name
ExpatUK commented 5 days ago

Hi Din,

Thanks for getting back to me. We’ve been doing something similar already for our existing docker swarm clusters but it’s interesting to see that TF config.

I’m on annual leave now until next week, but I’ll give that a try on Tuesday and let you know how it looks for us.

MusicDin commented 5 days ago

Perfect, thanks :)

ExpatUK commented 15 hours ago

Morning Din,

I can confirm with the above code plus a minor tweak (specifying target), this now works as expected.

resource "lxd_volume" "dockerzvol" {
  name  = "dockerzvol"
  pool  = "local"
  target = "host04" # <-- this must still be specified
  # Setting content_type to "filesystem" (default value), creates a filesystem.
  # Setting content_type to "block", creates a block device without FS.
  # Those volumes can be attached only to virtual machines.
  content_type = "filesystem"

  config = {
    # Set zfs.block_mode to true to create block backed device.
    "zfs.block_mode" = true
    size             = "200GiB"

# and under the instance...

  device {
    name = "dockerzvol"
    type = "disk"
    properties = {
      "path"   = "/var/lib/docker"
      "pool"   = "local"
      "source" = lxd_volume.dockerzvol.name

# which results in:
root@int-dev-zvol01:~# df -lhT
Filesystem                                    Type           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rpool/lxd/containers/int-dev-zvol01         zfs            4.1T  942M  4.1T   1% /
none                                          tmpfs          492K  4.0K  488K   1% /dev
tmpfs                                         tmpfs          100K     0  100K   0% /dev/lxd
/dev/zvol/rpool/lxd/custom/default_dockerzvol ext4           196G   28K  186G   1% /var/lib/docker

Thanks for all the help and guidance with this - I'd have thought this would be a reasonably common usecase/scenario enough for the docs.

MusicDin commented 14 hours ago

Thanks for the feedback, I agree that we should include such an example in the documentation.