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from-linear script broken due to updates in Linear Schema #5

Open ajwad-shaikh opened 1 year ago

ajwad-shaikh commented 1 year ago

Hey folks,

Thank you for taking the time out to build this.

However, the script from-linear is now breaking due to a field queried - integrationResources

Output Dump

2023/07/17 15:37:44 fetching oldest 50
2023/07/17 15:37:44 failed to fetch 50 after  (retrying in 5 minutes): 400 Bad Request: got body "{\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"Cannot query field \\\"integrationResources\\\" on type \\\"Issue\\\".\",\"locations\":[{\"line\":44,\"column\":5}],\"extensions\":{\"code\":\"GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED\",\"type\":\"graphql error\",\"userError\":true,\"meta\":{}}}]}\n"


Upon checking with the Linear GraphQL schema and their updates, I figured that the script is using the field deprecated in February 2023.

Link to Changelog

Maybe some other things are also broken but I could not move beyond trying to import issues from linear to local corpus.

radupopa2010 commented 9 months ago

Hitting same errer

alixander commented 8 months ago

Can you try if this branch fixes those errors? @radupopa2010


f4z3k4s commented 3 months ago

I have just tried that PR, works like a charm as of today. I exported my Linear issues to GH with no issues whatsoever. I think it should be merged.